i'm happy for you

86 12 16

"Congratulations, Yuuri!"

"Good luck, Yuri."

"Never thought I'd see the day!"

"That's my son!"


Viktor Nikiforov kept his gaze locked onto the ground. There was a sinking feeling in his chest; it hurt. It hurt more than any skating injury.

Viktor Nikiforov loved Katsuki Yuuri more than anything in his life. He loved him, but it was a sin. Men shouldn't be with men. That was wrong.

Men have to be with women.

So why was he hurting so badly? He was Yuuri's coach, his best friend. Why was he so sad?

Viktor Nikiforov was the worst person ever. His best friend was getting married, but he wasn't happy. At all.

Viktor didn't deserve Yuuri as a friend. He didn't deserve anything at all. A man loving another man was wrong. He felt disgusted at himself.

What is wrong with me?

"Viktor, why are you out here? You're missing the party."

I'm on the wrong side- I should be the one getting married, not the best man.

No, stop it. What the fuck are you thinking? You are a horrible person. I hate you.

"I'm fine, Yuuri, thanks. I just need some fresh air."

"Want some company?"


Why are you being so mean to Yuuri? It's his wedding day!

Yuuri turned to leave. "Oh... okay." Disappointment was evident in voice.

Now you've gone and made him sad.

"Yuuri, wait."

Yuuri waited.


"Thank you, Viktor."

Yuuri started to turn away, but he paused.

"You're missing the cake. Strawberry- your favorite."

He left.

Viktor looked down at the view below him.

He loved Yuuri more than anything in this life.


"Viktor!? Oh my God, Viktor. Wake up! WAKE UP! VIKTOR! VIKTOR!"

"Is he... is he dead?"

"Someone get an ambulance!"

"Yuuri, it's going to be okay. Viktor will be fine-"


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