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yoongi is standing outside his window.

min yoongi is standing right outside his bedroom window, and all taehyung can do is stareㅡbecause he's wearing a smile taehyung's never seen on him before; a beautiful, genuine smile that's exposing his gums in the least revolting sense possible. it's so abnormal, surreal, that taehyung thinks he's dreaming.

he blinks once, twice. not willing to believe.

and then yoongi raises a hand and waves. his lips part. and he mouthes something too distinctly for taehyung not to read it.

lil bean!

taehyung's mind adds the exclamation point to match yoongi's unwavering grin and enthusiastically waving hand, and he immediately regrets it because it's too different. genuine smiles and eagerness and exclamation points are not things he's ready to associate with yoongi, not yet.

so shaking his head, he shrinks away from the window and whispers, "go away."

yoongi's hand freezes in its motion, but he's still smiling, so taehyung stares at him with all the fierceness he can manage.

"go away," he repeats, louder, straightening from his slouch. "i can't deal with you right now yoongi, go away."

the raised hand finally drops; but he's still smiling.

and then yoongi shakes his head.

"fine. stand there all day, see if i fucking care," taehyung turns his body to completely face the window and slams his fist into the glassㅡyoongi flinches and backs away a step. "because we are not talking right now, alright? now will you stop grinning like that?"

and yoongi does stop grinning. he frowns, but it's not the frown taehyung wantsㅡyoongi's frowning more of a confused frown, not a hurt one.

and he shakes his head again.

"what the fuck?" taehyung murmurs, narrowing his eyes. "can you not get the message? GO AWAY, YOONGI! GO AWAY!"

the other boy's frown deepens, and his head drops down for a few seconds before it rises up again, and the smile is fucking back. taehyung clenches his fists.

"just walk off a cliff."

yoongi nods multiple times in an absent-minded sort of way, bouncing from foot to foot and rubbing his arms while glancing around the garden. he mouthes something again, but he's looking in another direction so taehyung doesn't bother to read it.

and when yoongi finally looks back at taehyung, he widens his eyes like taehyung's the one at fault, and facepalms.

"oh, you did not just facepalm at me," taehyung growls, rising to his feet for god knows what reasonㅡhe knows himself that he's in no state to confront yoongi, so he supposes it's in an attempt to intimidate the other?ㅡwhen yoongi raises his hand hastily to reveal the phone clutched in it, mouthing something again while enunciating careful.

"check my phone?" taehyung mumbles on succeeding in reading the other's lips. he sits back down slowly and picks it up from where he'd set it down, sending a quick eye-roll yoongi's way before bringing his gaze down to the device. "you could have just said so, jesus."

YOONGS: literally cannot
hear a word ur saying?? lol

YOONGS: hi btw !!!!

taehyung looks up from his phone, flabbergasted, to find the other staring back at him expectantly. what the hell does he want me to do, then?

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