chapter 4

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So me and Eric are getting ready for bed. Chloe wanted to sleep with him. I wanted to as well. It got really really cold that night I was up. I didn't know that Eric was two. I turn the TV on to watch a movie or something. He sat up and said what you watching. I have no idea. I am just trying to find something to watch. Ok. Ya I will be right back. I am so hungry. Are you hungry Eric? A little bit. Ok let's go get something to eat, even though it's the middle of the night. I am so happy that you are spending the night. Me too. Your dog looks like she is too. Ya I think she likes you better then me. I don't know she is yours not mine. I know but she gets all mad when I am around you and when you sit by me and I call her over she goes to you. I know but still maybe she is jealous. Why would the dog be jealous? Because you have a boyfriend and she doesn't. I don't know probably. Ok so what do you want to eat. Eggs? Sure. Ok I will make eggs. Eat up. Wow babe. What? These are really really good. Thank you babe. Now that you have eaten. Do you want to watch a movie or something? Sure lets go. It's really cold in here. Your so cute when your in a ball under the blanket. Really? Ya come over here, I have the heavier blanket. Ok. Your so sweet Eric. I know but only to you my sweet girlfriend. Aww stop, your being to cute. But when aren't you. I don't know that is up to you. Ok so I am going to get a movie. Is Bolt ok. Ya I love that movie. Me too. There should be a Bolt 2 coming out soon. I am so excited. Me too, we should go to the movies together and see it. I would love to. I am still freezing. Really? Yes. Ok. He puts his arm around me and starts to snuggle with me. I feel so loved. Look up really quick. Why? I want to show you something. What? He kisses me and is was like the world stop for a minute. Then started moving again. I pulled back to get some air. Then I looked at him and smiled. He laid on my lap. He fell asleep on me and I didn't want to move and wake him. So I just fell asleep with him on my lap. Chloe snuggled on the other side of me. It was so cozy. I was so warm. I was watching Eric sleep and I would run my fingers through his hair. It was so soft. It was like a marshmallow. I love him so much I wish this would never end. I love that I have my boyfriend on my lap, my dog is lay down right beside me and I am watching my favorite movie. In the morning I am going to make pancakes for everyone. I know that pancakes are Eric's favorite. I love watching him sleep. I am so cozy. I'm just going to fall asleep so the morning can come quicker. In my dream Eric left me and I was stuck in tears. I didn't talk for a week and I just felt mopey. I just want to cry and pretend to be sick to stay home and cry. When I woke up at 4 in the morning. Eric was still in my lap and I was happier then ever. I hope that Eric never leaves me. I love him to much. I don't ever what to lose him. It would kill me to lose Eric like I lost all of my other boyfriends. I just knew Eric was special and there is something between us that I can't explain. I feel happy when I am around him and my heart starts rasing and I just want to fade. But now that me and him are boyfriend and girlfriend and he is spending the night I just don't want to move away from him. Not even a step. I am going to start making the pancake mix to start breakfast I am hopefully not going to wake him. I got up very gently and I didn't wake him. Thank God I really want him to sleep he didn't get that much sleep. I love to watch him sleep and all I want to do is sleep with him. But it's time for me to get up and start breakfast and go out for my morning run with Chloe. So I am going to get changed and go run. When I get back if Eric is not up then I will start breakfast. That will probably wake him up. I am going to make blueberry pancakes for him. My whole family like them so I want him to try them. I want to know what he thinks of them. I am telling my parents I am going on my run. Well Cody is up and I don't want him waking Eric up so I am going on a run with Cody. I am going to leave a note for Eric just in case he wakes up. Ok Di I will see you when you get back. Just please watch your brother I will I will gard him with my life. If Eric is up before we go I will see if he wants to go for a run to but if he isn't then just let him sleep please he didn't get much sleep last night. Ok we promise we will leave Eric alone. Thank you mom. Also when I come home I am going to make blueberry pancakes. YES I love you blueberry pancakes. Ok I will see you in a little. Ok be careful. We will.

After the run

Come on Cody get on my back I will care you the rest of the way. Thanks Di. Your welcome Cody. Are you hungry? Yes I am. Ok I am going to see if Eric is up then I am going to make your favorite. Blueberry pancakes? Yea. Thank you Di I love you so much. Your welcome, now be quiet just in case Eric is still asleep. Cody can you peak in the living room and see if he is sleeping. Ya sure. Di, Eric is up. Ok, babe you ok. I am fine. Ok I don't want you to get hurt. I am fine, but where did you go. I went on a run with Chloe and Cody. Ok was that fun? Yea I stop at the gas station to get a gallon of milk to drink. I am also making blueberry pancakes. O sounds so good. I hope you will like it. I can't wait to try it.

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