chapter 6

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7 years later
I am so happy ok so we are going to pick up Nevaeh and Bob in a hour I am going to go up stairs really quick and get changed. Ok I love you babe. I love you too be right back. I am back. Wow I love the shirt and pants. Ya well we are going bowling so I can't were a dress. Ok well let's go. Wait my phone is going off. Who is it? It's Danni. Hello? Hi Di what you doing? I am about to go bowling with Eric, Nevaeh and Bob. What about you? Nothing can me and Alic come? Sure meet us at colonial in a half hour. Ok. Danni and Alic are going to meet us at the bowling alley. Ok your driving let's go. Ok let's go. Do you know where Nevaeh's house is? Yea I know where to go. Ok. We are here. I will call Nevaeh. Hey neveah, come on out. Ok we are on our way out. Ok see you in a minute. Hey Nevaeh, hey Bob. Hey Eric, hi Dianna. Bob just call me Di. Neveah Danni and Alic are going to meet us at the bowling alley. Ok this is going to be fun. Ya I have my bowling balls in the back and my old ones too for you guys to use. Ok thank you Di. Your welcome. Ok we will be there in a few minutes. Ok thank you Eric. Your welcome. We are here and there is Danni and Alic. Ok hey guys. Hey. Can you help with the bowling bags in the back? Ya sure I will. Thank you Danni.

Date night
     We need two lanes please. Ok I will put you on 23-24. Ok thank you. How are we going to put the names? Boys vs girls? Yes I love that. Of course you do Alic. Ok boys vs girls. If the boys win we would have to do what they say for a day. If we win the boys have to do what ever we say. Ok that sounds good. Ok this is how the names are going to be on 23 me, Danni, then Neveah. On the other one Eric, Alic, then Bob. Is that OK? Ya that's ok. Ok I wanted to make sure that it was ok with everyone else. Ya that's fine with us. Ok I want to do something. What? Every time someone strikes they have to kiss there boyfriend or girlfriend. Ok that sounds awesome. I knew you would like that Eric. You know me best babe. I thought about that because it is date night after all. Ya we have to show our love to our boyfriends lady's. Ya. Let's get started. Di go. Ok nine count. No I was so close. Ok my turn. Strike. O I so hate you babe. I know you do. Now kiss me. Ok fine. At least I got a spare. Ya mine and Alic's turn. Strike. Great job Danni. Ok Alic go let's see what you get. Ok. Eight. Ok spare it up. Ok I missed one. Thats ok Alic. Now give me a kiss. Ok Danni. Neveah, Bob your turn. Ok Bob you go first. Ok nine. I was so close. Yes you were. My turn. Nine. No I really wanted a kiss. Ok Bob spared. Neveah just spared. Ok that's good. Hey Danni look at who just walked in. Who? Jake. The one you used to bowl with?  Yea you remember. Yes I do I remember Jake you always had a crush on him. Ya ok now let's go back with our boyfriends. Ya Jake is the past and Eric is my future. Ya. I  heard that Eric might ask for me to marry him. I am so scared I think that Eric is the right person but I don't think that I am ready. Ok look at me if your not ready for marriage then tell him that. If he asks. You never know if he will or not. True but if he does? Just talk to him. Ok I will if he asks me. When your ready your ready. Ok. I love you Di. I love you too Danni. Thank you for being my sister and best friend. Your welcome. I will never let anything happen to you I promise. Thank you Di I will die for you. I know I love you because you would do that for me. I love you too. Ok well it's mine and Eric's turn I will be right back. Ok. I got a strike come here Eric. Hang on let me go. Ok hurry up. Yes a strike. Now you come here. Ok. That's one. Now you have to give one to Eric Di. I know Nevaeh. Danni your turn. I know I am going come on Alic get up here. I am coming. Ok well I am going to get a pop real quick. Eric go with your girlfriend. I will calm down Danni. I will never leave her side. Ok good you better not hurt her or I will hurt you. I know Danni will you stop. I need to talk to you for a minute Danni. Ok this better be important. It is. Ok what is up. I want to marry Dianna. What?! Yes I want to but I don't know if she does. Well she doesn't. Now here me out. Ok go on. She isn't ready to get married yet so just wait a little bit longer. Ok I will I don't want to lose her. Ok good or you would lose your head. Ok, ok calm down please. Ok I will just go with her. Ok I will talk to you later.

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