Chapter 31: If You Have To Choose.

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You run a hand on your face. "Oh, glob. What a stressful party."

"You could say that again," Star replies, looking exhausted more than ever.

Marco comes back, his hair disheveled and messy. "I'm so tired."

"Princesses, your father asks of the two of you," one of the butlers announces.

You and Star look at each other before following him to River's room.


"You don't how much I was worried about my daughters!" River exclaims. "Yet, I trusted you two that you're going to kick those monster's butts!"

Star laughs. "Oh, dad." You smile.

"I'm so proud, both of you." He smiles once again, approaching.

"Hugs!" The three of you exclaim,  embracing one another. You part after a matter of seconds.

"Well," Star puts her hands on her hips. "All's well that ends well! And I said 'well' three times!" She then sees your troubled state. "Wait, you have to pick your king!" Her eyes light up. "Did you tell Ma―"

"Shh!" You press Star's cheeks together, keeping her quiet―and to avoid a wet hand next time. "About that... I have something to tell you." You pull her outside the room.

"So, what are you going to tell me?―oh, did you tell Marco that you lo―"

"I-I... did, well... kinda. I said I didn't have a crush on him."

Star gasps. "You didn't-!"

"B-butIwaslyingbecauseit'stheheatofthemomentbutIreallyhaveacrushonMarconowthatJackie'sgone!butwhatamIgoingtodonowthathethinksIdon'thaveacrushonhimbutIdo!" You end up with your head in your hands, whimpering quietly.

Star smiles and puts her hand on the either side of your shoulders. "You have to choose, Y/N! It's either the guy who has a crush on you, or maybe the guy who could possibly help you move on from the guy who has a crush on you? Aaaand I messed it all up."

"I don't know..." you try to say.

"You have to, Y/N," Star pleads. "If you don't, everyone we know and love will die in the Earth dimension!"

You look down. "So, it's a life and death situation, huh? It's up to me then?"

"You're the only one who can save our friends back there," she replies.

"Alright. I'm gonna do it. Thanks, lil sis." You pull her into a tight hug, with her hugging back just as tight.

Little did the two of you know, someone heard the entire conversation.


"Y/N, sweetie," Moon calls. "It's time."

You take a deep breath. Just... do what you have to do.

"Attention, prince and princesses, dukes, duchesses, queens, and kings. On behalf of the kingdom of Mewni. We are terribly sorry about the mess earlier. Though, the party is not over yet, for the princess is to choose her king of Mewni."

You sigh and step on the tiled floor. You changed from your gown to your blue dress and white shoes.

"There are only two remaining princes to choose from," the guy says. "Prince Mud. Or... Prince Alexander."

You first look down, before reverting your gaze into Marco's brown orbs as he stares into yours. You see sympathy in them. Like he knew you're hesitating. You then turn to Prince Alexander. He gives you a small smirk with wiggling eyebrows. The room was silent, everyone looks at you, waiting for your decision.

What you'll say could change everything.

Would I choose the person who I know has a crush on me? Or the person who could possibly help me move on from all this crap? I don't want to drag Marco into this and be stuck here forever. But I don't love Alexander. I haven't even met him. Would I risk Marco by making this Earth guy, King of Mewni? Or would I risk myself, taking an obviously bad decision of marrying someone I haven't met?

Urgh, this is all too difficult.

"Erm, princess?" The announcer guy calls. "Time to make a decision. Is it Prince Mud or Prince Alexander?"

You take a deep breathe.

"I... choose...-"


Now this is how a chapter ends. Not wuth a bang, but with a cu-koo!

Hope u ejoy aall this
Ilm going to slep now, sleep-deprivation got the best of me. Idek what i'm talking about



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