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"he diD WHAT?" Niall exploded. He looked behind him, and began to pull onto the road again. He kept his gaze on the road behind him as he made a u-turn and began heading in the opposite direction.

"Niall? Niall? What are you doing?" I asked him frantically. I tried to search his face for any sort of emotion, but all I found was an unreadable expression I had never seen on him before.

"NIALL ANSWER ME," I said through sobs,

"Please no. Please don't start anything, it's okay, I'm okay." I pleaded.

"No, you're not." His eyes never left the road. He pushed down on the accelerator, harder with every syllable. His eyes narrowed and his once pale, Irish face was now bright red, the shade of red it turned when he was angry. In all of the 13 years I had known him, I had never seen him like this. Any trace of his usual calm, kind, sweet, disposition had vanished. Why was he so angry?

I knew where he was going. He knew I knew where he was going. I don't know what possessed me to ask,

"W-Where are we going?"

"Where do you think?" Still keeping his eyes on the road, he turned onto a familiar street, one I knew all too well.

"Stay here," He told me, as he parked in the middle of his neatly groomed lawn, clearly not giving a fuck. I covered my eyes as he began banging on Justin's front door. My old front door.

"Justin! Justin! Get out here!"

Niall's fist pounded against the door loudly. The raps were like strikes of thunder compared to the tense atmosphere of the house.

"Come out you pussy! That's what you are! You son of a-" He was cut off by the opening of the door. My now ex-boyfriend appeared in the doorway, with a smug grin on his unshaved face.

"What the hell do you want, Horan? Can't you see I'm busy?" As if on cue, a busty red-head wearing nothing but a long t-shirt came into view. She glanced into the yard and her cold eyes landed on mine. She shot me a spiteful smirk from across the property. A look so hurtful, it nearly brought tears yet again, to my already stained face.

"I want to know why you did this to her. Can't you see she's broken over this?" Niall stuck his hand in my direction.

"Why Justin? Why?"

Justin's faced twisted into a new expression. At first, it looked like he too was going to start crying. No. He was laughing. Laughing. He was enjoying seeing me like this. He was enjoying the feeling of breaking my heart after everything we'd gone through together. My own anxiety began to kick in. What if there was other girls? There had to have been. How dare he?

"Get off of my yard, Horan." Justin said with a bitter, cruel laugh.

"Before I beat your ass," He faced the redhead once again, and turned his back to Niall. Niall, who hung his head down in defeat, began walking back to me, fists clenched.

"She's yours." Niall stopped in his tracks.


"The bitch is yours," Justin continued,

"She's too goddamn whiny anyway, I don't want her." That's when Niall snapped. His eyebrows knit together in an all-out rage, his forehead scrunched in lines across his face; He walked back to Justin in an eerily calm manner. I should've known what was coming next.

Niall's hand, red from being clenched for so long, smacked right into Justin's face. For a minute, everything was quiet. It was the kind of quiet you noticed right before a big hurricane, unusually silent and unsettling.

The girl beside Justin gasped, taken aback by Niall's sudden outburst. Before either one of us could stop them, they were on top of each other, wrestling. I nearly flew out of the car, doing my best to pull Niall off of him. At 5'8, Niall had a clear disadvantage with Justin being 6'1, but Justin ended up with the most damage. Yeah, he got some hits in on Niall, but Niall managed to give him a black eye the size of Jupiter, and several bruises along his shoulders and chest.

"Niall. Car. NOW." I was surprised with how steady my voice was. Niall followed like an obedient dog, right behind me, although he didn't fail to flip off Justin before I pulled him into the car.

He and I sat on the curb for a moment in silence. Justin and the red head had gone back into the house, seemingly unphased with the whole ordeal. When I looked at him, he still looked just as angry as he did before, with the same unreadable, tight expression he had when we first arrived.

"Drive," I stated plainly.

He did.

{ Authors Note }

I hope you guys are okay with me updating every other day or so, I have practice every night, so it takes me some time to completely write a chapter. Check out my other work, The Coffee Shop Girl, and comment, vote, and follow for more! 💖

thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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