Chapter 1

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"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed at the top of my voice.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Just leave me alone!" I screamed louder this time...

"Me! Whats wrong with me? What's wrong with you!! I told you to stay in! " he shouted back. Walking past the room.

" For gods sake just stop treating me like a kid! I said I HAD to go... You can't just go over controlling me with all your restrictions every time! I am so done with you!" I shout back at him... This is the longest our fight has lasted, but it's his fault this time and I am so not going to say sorry for it! Not again.

" Done with me! YOU are done with ME!! Oh, then guess what... I am fucking done with you too!!" he snaps, just inches away from my face. He is so mad right now... Well, he has no good reason to be. It's high time! I must let go... I just can't handle any more fights every second day!

"Fine!" I say, equally harsh, " Don't ever try to contact me again." I add this time the words come out more in a whisper as compared to the shouting we just had. Trying to stifle my tears I grab my bag and walk towards the door.

"Fine! Go! And don't ever come back!" he says in a harsh tone.

Not turning back. I open the door, "Goodbye Jamie" I say. for the last time.

" Goodbye Amara" he says.

And I leave. Promising myself and him Never to return.

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