Chapter 7

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Few hours ago,

"Jamie!" I say, staggered.

I am more than shocked to see him here. Oh god! My heart seems to be leaping out of my chest. It's beating so fast that I bet he could hear it from there.

Why is he here? I mean what is he doing here? I don't think he works here! I remember he always used say how much he hates working for or under someone. Moreover, he's the last person I'd expect to see here.

"Amara! Hi" he says, uncomfortably. His eyes blazing right through me.

Oh! He's so beautiful, he somehow has become even more appealing. And I can see he's equally surprised to see me here.

He's still his own lean and juvenile himself. I realise we've been staring each other for a while now, but I just cant get myself to stop staring at him.

And somewhere I am thankful of my beautiful attire today.

"Umm... Hi!" Is all I can say. I feel this weird pain right in my chest as if my heart is hammering it to get out, there are butterflies all over my stomach. I wonder if he ever has had such feeling due to my presence.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" he asks, scanning me with his beautiful eyes, looking at my attire.

Wait! Is he checking me out?

Well, I hope not!

"I... I am an intern here." I finally find my voice. "Actually, it's my first day today!" I add. I notice he's wearing a suit, formal and perfect for him.

Why does he always look so good?!

Oh! Shit! I hope he doesn't work here too... Please, please don't say you work here!

"Oh. Okay" is all he says.

Okay! Okay is all you say when you see me after four long years???

My subconscious mocks at him.

And I suppress her immediately, though one part of me agrees with her... Whereas the other wants to touch him, hug him... Feel his soft lips upon me again.

Oh god, where are my thoughts going! I quickly suppress them too.

" You too work here or something?" I ask him as he finally takes his eyes off me and bends to pick his phone.

" I thought you didn't like to work for anyone." I add, and instantly regret what I said.

I don't want to be mean, not when we've met after so long!

" No Amara, I don't work here. I am the CEO of this company." he says, firmly.



It's his company!

Fucking hell!

"But I thought Alex Sparks was the CEO!" I frown, I remember doing some research before applying here.

"Well, he resigned last week. So, its me now!" he snaps, as we start walking towards the elevator.

What the fuck! Don't tell me he's mad at me now! What did I do?

Shouldn't he be happy seeing me after so long?

Oh, or did my mean comment hurt his so called "pride"?

" What's it with your bad mood today?" I ask, as he presses the call button.

"What makes you think I'm in a bad mood? I'm happy to see you... See you after so long!" he says, his face lightens and smiles warmly at me as we make our way into the lift.

This is so not the reaction I expected from him! Not when we've met after so long! What's wrong with him? Does he even have any idea how I'm felling now? I'm literally bursting from inside!

"Well you don't seem like!" I say in voice more like a whisper, looking into his eyes.

I'm feeling so sad right now, maybe it's because I'm so happy and shocked to see him after so long or maybe it's because of his not-so-him reaction after meeting me or... I just don't know! Maybe I'm too overwhelmed.

If it had to be four years ago, he'd hug me tight and kiss me until for both of us would be out of breath.

Well, I don't expect him to kiss me now, but at least he could show some emotions after seeing me!

"Hey..." he says and pulls me into an unexpected hug.

"I have missed you... So much!" he says, leaning into my hairs, his arms wrapped tightly around me.

Oh! I've missed this feeling for so long, if feel like the bile rising inside me. His muscles around me... His soft breath near my neck.

I hug him back; I love this feeling.

This feeling I get because of him. And I've missed it. I didn't realise how empty I was until I felt him again.

Tears threaten my eyes, but I quickly push them back. I don't want to ruin this moment by crying.

"I'm sorry...It's just that I didn't know how to react after seeing you!" he whispers in my ear.

"I missed you too." I say.

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