Chapter 10

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Cherry's donut ☝☝☝

Violet Pov

I heard a scream coming from Cherry's room I jumped off of my bed grabbed my gun for my bedside table and headed to her room it was still dark outside maybe around 2 am.

I saw her screaming and withering on the bed I started shaking her "Cher it's okay​ you're fine" she started shaking "You aren't back there anymore okay you're with us we'll protect you" I said she woke up crying and we spent till 4 o'clock with her crying on my chest while I was soothing her then she fell asleep on my chest and when I was sure that she was asleep I slept.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already ten thirty I looked next to me and saw Cher still sleeping I left her on the bed and went downstairs I went in the kitchen and started cooking waffles and nutella donuts for Cher.

Xavier came downstairs in his boxers he wrapped his arms around my shoulders in a brotherly way "How is she?" "Fine...Now" I said looking down "What about you?" "What do you mean what about me?" I said finally looking at him "I know how much you hurt when one of us are hurting and remembering our past about anything in general" I turned back to cooking "What are you going to do?" He asked I turned back to him and lifted my eyebrow while smirking "Come on I know you, you aren't going to let it pass by" "You know me so well" "Are you going to tell me?" he said "Hack into the FBI check were the bastard lives and send him to hell" he smirked and hugged me "Make it painful" he whispered in my ear when Cher came in I nodded.

"I made you waffles and nutella donuts sleeping beauty" she squealed and jumped on me luckily Xavier caught us both before we hit the ground.She took the plate and began eating "Breakfast" I yelled everyone came running down the stairs and sat down grabbing a plate and eating I smiled looking at my family they were always there for me through happy, sad , depressing, success, every fight I don't know what I would do without them one day I was this sad broken girl living in a cell but know I'm surrounded by my family we're fighting together winning or losing​ we're in this together "Aren't you going to eat?" Ethan asked with bacon in his mouth.

"Yeah and why didn't you and Grey go to school Mr" I said "Well since you and Cher didn't go we wanted to stay here with you guys" he said "You're off the hook but just this once got it" I said looking at them they nodded and continued eating.

"I have to go out for 3 or 4 hours okay if you're going out stay in pairs and take a gun and knife with you" they nodded and I left grabbing my laptop and a gun I got in my car and opened my laptop hacking into the FBI it only took a couple of minutes since I know how to do it well I found his address and left when I reached I parked my car in the shadows wore my hoodie and my mask but still looked down I reached the door and knocked when nobody answered I busted the door open with my foot and went in closing the door behind me.

A man emerged from a door he was bald with a beer belly no wonder the place stank of beer and vomit "Who are you? Are you a whore I slept with?" He said I made a disgusted face and took out a chloroform pad that I stole from Cher since she is really good in science she knows how to make this stuff.

I tied him to a chair and went to the kitchen grabbing a glass of ice cold water and dumped it on him and he woke up looking confused seriously he looked like a constipated angry bear."Who are you, you little bitch?" "Your worst nightmare" I said and punched him in the face "Why the hell did you sexually abuse Cher?" I said "because she's a little slut" "wrong answer" I said and after that I went crazy punching him and kicking him until I killed him with my own hands.

I headed home with blood on my hands when I got home I saw a bike and a car in the driveway confused I went inside and saw Justin and Cindy there, Cindy jumped off the couch and hugged me "Hey" I laughed "Hi" "How did you know where I lived?" I asked "Oh I called your phone and Ethan answered and told me that you weren't here but that I can come and wait for you" I nodded "Hey babe" Justin said​ I blushed then looked at Cindy "Want to watch a movie with the guys" she nodded "GUYS" Xavier yelled running down the stairs "Go to the news channel" Colton turned it to the news channel and we listened to the reporter.

"Breaking news a man about 50 years old was found dead in his house tied to a chair but what we found shocked us apparently he wasn't shot or stabbed he got murdered by hand and the person wasn't choking him to death either he was killed by punches and kicking" Everyone looked shocked and turned to me then stared at my hands that was still covered in blood "He goes by the name Richard" Cher busted down crying while the guys smirked and Ethan, Justin and Cindy just looked confused.

At first I got worried thinking that she might be sad but then she hugged me and thanked me I nodded and hugged her tighter.We explained to Ethan, Justin and Cindy and they nodded in understanding and I explained to them how I found and killed him.

"So movie" Cindy said "I'm picking it" yelled Colton he chose The conjuring we whined but didn't say anything by half of the movie I was on Justin's lap and when I looked over at the others I saw Cher on Grey, Ethan on Xavier and Cindy on Colton I laughed but jumped when a scary part came on it's funny how we kill but are afraid of a movie.

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