Chapter 3

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The night tide world was quiet, aspiring us to be as loud as we desired to. I was wide awake, yet it looked like a dream. It was a world free from rush. The night strolled to give us new possibilities, new adventures.

"We should go to a rave party, am I right ladies?" Tom asked. I could feel the excitement thrilling through him. He had probably spent the previous hours drinking because he had addressed himself to David and Nick as being girls. I wouldn't lie, the drunk Tom was funnier than the sober one. Even though I wasn't against the idea of dancing until the sun rises, I thought bringing my friend home in a miserable condition, later, wouldn't be a really good idea.

Sara shrugged, and the slight movement of her shoulders was enough to undulate her hair with thousand moving glints. David and Nick agreed with me, so we decided to explore our own city. 

We wandered around, and as radiant, passionate as we were, we colored the night. We covered the darkness with our fascination. David intertwined his fingers with mine and our hands fitted like they were meant to be together. We walked around Plaza De La Reina like we had never been there before. At daytime, the square, surrounded by local cafés and restaurants, was vibrant, busy and lively. The visiting tourists immortalized the square embellished by its cathedral and its flower-filled area with their cameras. Late at night, the square was dormant, motionless. 

For a second we stood silent. Everything has its beauty, yet not everyone sees it, and I wandered if my friends were as immersed as I was in the beauty of the obscurity.

"It looks like we're the only ones awake in a sleeping city," Nick spoke, and the enchant in his voice was sincere. He had drunk a little, but contrary to Tom, he wasn't talking under the effects of the beverages. "It reminds me of my insomnia. When I'm not sleeping around these hours, I feel lonely and I get lost in my somber thoughts. It's frightening. Yet, tonight, right now, I couldn't feel more peaceful."

I felt the emotion travelling around his body due to his strong breathing. I believe he was glad that we were all together, during the dark hours. Nick was the guy who radiated with confidence around people, but even though not all of us hide behind a mask, we all struggle, and we all have secrets, feelings not shared.

David took me on his back, and I laced my arms around his rising chest. Nick took Sara. Tom, well, he just followed us, trying not to fall and make a fool of himself. We had a fun time, we laughed, jovially. Another few hours yet to enjoy were waiting for us.

It was probably around 3 or 4 a.m., when we decided to go to my house. Perhaps we were tired, but we promised to spend a sleepless night together and watch the nascent rays of the sunshine, so we did. We had decided to have a movie marathon and play board games, but instead, we talked about our flashbacks, our craziest memories and adventures spent together, and Sara and I, running out of paper, decorated each other bodies with paintings, like canvas from non-professional artists. Time seemed to run away quickly.


Sorry guys, this chapter is quite short but thank you all so much for your support! I'll update the next one at the end of the week. All your comments make my day, you're amazing. Feel free to let me know about the most adventurous thing you've ever done.✨

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