The Forgotten

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I look up at the sky from the wet grass that is covered in morning dew; night is turning into early morning. The dusk now consumed by the dawn of a new day. The wind is blowing  from the Far East as the birds are shaken up slightly, just now beginning to spread their wings to welcome the day with their symphony of songs.

I lay there, watching the sunrise with my heavy breaths being expelled into the air. My body tired from the run I just came from. I close my eyes and surrender my body to the warm sun, laying underneath his warm glow that is making me slightly sleepy. I yawn, I get comfortable atop the hill facing the lake.

"Hey wake up!" I wake up with a startled face, groaning when my eyes open too fast. The sun beaming right into my eyes that shut automatically with the sun's powerful rays

"Oh man, are you okay?" I rub my eyes slightly, a hand is now placed on my shoulder.

I open my eyes blinking fast at first, trying to regain my eyesight. When the little lights that swirl in the air from the after effects of the sun finally clear up I am able to look at who's touching me. I blink again and am almost tempted to pinch myself to see if I'm truly awake.

It's a girl.

There's only one thought prominent in the forefront of my mind right now; she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I look away, not wanting to creep her out with my eyes that are probably screaming 'marry me'. She laughs slightly as I look down at my shirt. There's a trail of drool shown from my sleep. I wipe off the drool from the borrowed shirt one of the boys at the foster house gave me. The grey sports shirt now darker in that one spot.

"What time is it?" I ask as she smiles widely in a form of disbelief, "so you fall asleep on my science assignment and all you ask is what time is it? Sheesh." She seemed annoyed and amused as she says this

I get up brushing off the grass from my clothes, my shirt no longer as sweaty from my run earlier in the morning. She grabs her book bag and books that show some sort of complicated science class. I look back over to her, Noticing I'm taller than her by a lot. My growth has spurt in these two years.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep." I apologize grabbing my water bottle from the ground, taking a drink. She looks on at me, I have to turn and look around to see if she's actually staring at me. She laughs shaking her head, a hand goes to fix the hair that fell to the side of her face.

"Well next time maybe you should count sheep in your bed and not on my project." She says it teasingly, the mischievous look her eyes hold says it all.

This makes me smile. I look down at my feet, shoes are old and worn. My shorts aren't even mine, they're slightly too small for my developing body. Which make me look like I like wearing small sized clothing. Looking back up at the girl who's into plants I can't help but want to keep looking at her. She has a certain beauty to her. Five course meal- beauty as my mom would call it.

"It's around 7:30 by the way" she says biting the side of her lip unconsciously-
"Wait. 7:30?" Are you sure?" I start to panic. I'm going to be late for school if I don't go now. She shows me the time on her phone and I'm sure I look like one of those pens that you squeeze to make their eyes pop out, with the observation that it's 7:40 and school starts at 8:00.

"I'm sorry for sleeping on your plants, I've gotta go, thanks for waking me up though" I start getting into jogging form as she yells back, "you're welcome sleepyhead! Don't lose count of your sheep"

I smile shaking my head, I start turning my jog into a run. I flex my arm ahead of me, my focus now solely on trying to get to my foster home on time to shower. Hopefully Gavin and Apaulo have showered so I don't have to wait on them. I start running faster as I see my street approaching.

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