Chapter Nine

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~Y/n's POV~ (I don't know why I even bother to put this)

Sans was helping me walk back to the house, I had gotten very drunk at Grillby's. "Do you even know how cute you are?" I slurred. I saw his face go a bright blue and his eyes go wider. I giggled at his reaction. "Like seriously, you are so adorable." I complimented. "Uh, thanks." He said nervously. I giggled again. "You are as cute as 500 million puppies wearing tiny little hats." I said while still giggling. He sighed, I think he was glad he didn't act like this when he was drunk. "How many drinks did you even have?" He asked. I thought for a moment then came up with a conclusion. "20!" I exclaimed drunkenly. Sans' expression went from calm to shocked in less than a millisecond. "We gotta get you home." He said urgently, he then picked me up bridal-style and started to race home. I wondered why he couldn't teleport me, then I remembered that he couldn't teleport me when I was drunk because it could injure me. A few minutes later we arrived at home and he instantly ran upstairs and set me on the bed in his room. He then rushed out, probably to get something to make me tired. I looked at the clock in the room, I couldn't read it though. Sans then rushed back into the room holding a cup of... I don't know. He gave it to me, I then was able to recognize the liquid inside. I instantly handed it back. "There is no way I am drinking that." I said trying to get him to take the cup into his hand. "What can I do to make you?" He asked nearly repeating what I had said to him in this exact situation. I huffed in annoyance, then the perfect idea came into my mind. I smirked at my thoughts. "Kiss me." I dared. His entire face instantly turned a bright blue, he looked extremely shocked that I had said that. "W-What?" He questioned nervously. "W-Why would y-you want t-that?" He inquired anxiously. "Because I have a crush on you, duh!" I slurred. If his face could go brighter then it would. Then everything went black.

-In the morning-

I groaned when I woke up, my head felt like lava was being poured on it. I then realized I was on Sans' bed, I sat up while rubbing my forehead. Then the thoughts of last night started to pour into my mind, I had confessed to him before blacking out. I gasped, what if he didn't like me back? I then got out of bed instantly and went downstairs, on the couch was Sans watching TV. He noticed me, blushed, and turned off the TV. We stood there in an awkward silence before I finally spoke. "I am so so sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night, I understand if you want me to leave now." I said while trying holding back tears, unfortunately one slipped down my face. "Y/n..." Sans said while getting up and walking over towards me, he then hugged me tightly. I hugged back while some more tears started to fall down my face. He then let go and put his hands on my cheeks, he wiped away the falling tears with his thumbs and smiled at me. "I would never kick you out of this house, I wasn't uncomfortable last night I was just shocked that you had the hots for someone like me. The truth is... I really like you too." He confessed, blush appeared on both of our faces. "R-Really?" I asked, it was a rhetorical question but I asked anyway. "Of course really, I wouldn't joke about this." He answered with a genuine smile. I smiled back, or at least did my best smile back. He was still holding my cheeks. He then let his right hand go down to my waist, he decided to keep it there as well. "You said you wanted me to kiss you, right?" He questioned, I felt my face heat up 10 times more. "Y-Y-Yes." I stuttered, were we actually going to? "Would you mind if I did?" He inquired while tightening his grip on my waist. I wouldn't be surprised if my head was redder than a tomato. "N-No." I whispered while staring into his white pupils. He then started to lean in slowly, I did too. I started to close my eyes, so did he. Until finally, after all of those days of dancing around each other we finally closed the space between us. I was kissing Sans, and he was kissing me. 

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