Final Chapter

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A/N: This is the final chapter readers! Sorry if this story has been short, I wasn't planning on this to be a very long book but I want to thank you all for reading and voting! It means so much to me that people like what I love to do, it has been amazing to write this book.

-5 years later-

I woke up due to two little people shaking me and begging me to wake up, I giggled as I opened my eyes to see my two children now shaking Sans. Sans woke up much to his dismay, our daughter and son jumped up and down on the bed full of newfound energy. "Play with us!" Rachel exclaimed, her pure white hair bouncing up and down as she jumped. "Yeah! We're bored!" Daniel added, his h/c hair following his up and down motions. "Alright, what do you two want us to play?" I asked while sitting up. "Dolls!" Rachel yelled. "Ew! No! Dolls are for girls!" Daniel retorted at his sister. They then started to bicker at which was better, dolls or superheros. I looked over to Sans who was still waking up. "Dad! Tell Rachel how much more cooler superheros are!" Daniel exclaimed while turning to face Sans. "Actually, I think I might have to agree with your sister. Dolls are pretty cool." Sans joked while sitting up. Daniel stared at him in disbelief. I put a hand over my mouth while playing along with Sans. "No way! Superheros are so much better!" I retorted at Sans. Me and him were now the ones bickering, Rachel and Daniel stared at us like we had grown another head. They looked at each other and started to laugh with their adorable laughter. Me and Sans stopped our playful bickering to soak in the sweet sound of our children being happy. I looked at both of them and let their appearances sink in. Rachel had pure white hair that went down to the center of her back, the left half of her face was skeletal while the right half was human with pale skin. She had my e/c eyes, the pupils on the skeletal side of her face was also e/c. Daniel had my h/c hair that was cut short, his face looked human with very pale skin but the rest of him was skeletal. His left eye was a vibrant blue while the other was light gray. I smiled at both of them, Sans wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder as Rachel and Daniel laid on the bed laughing, I loved seeing them so happy. "Sans?" I questioned while looking over to him. "Yeah?" He responded while looking at me. "I love you." I told him, his smile brightened as he put his forehead onto mine. "I love you too." He said, I put my lips on to his teeth. "Eww!" Rachel and Daniel said in sync. I broke the kiss and me and Sans laughed. I turned to both of our children. "Never change you two, ok?" I told them. They nodded frantically and jumped off the bed. They ran into the hallway and started to bicker about something. I just giggled as I got out of bed.

Today was another perfect day, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences it.

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