CHAPTER 1 - (???)

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A/N: Thank you all so much for clicking onto this story! I hope I won't disappoint you guys.. that it's not a Klance fanfiction, or a KeithxReader one. B( If you were looking for that, my humblest apologies! I hope you'll give this fanfiction a shot, as it's my first on Wattpad. If you like it, feel free to stick around, and if you don't then.. sorry o-o. Anyway, enough rambling, shall we get on with the story? 

Art in the cover belongs to, I take no credit once so ever! (If the artist of the piece wishes for me to redo the cover, please kindly message me, and I'll do so.)

P.S This story will follow the consecutive events (not exactly) of the original series, but rather with my twists, some of the events that I have thought of, and some personal extras. ;) (LancexReader & Some of my OCsxReaders)

WARNING: Also may contain some smut/LGBT relations, if you are not a fan of either of these, feel free to not read this fanfiction. There'll be warnings in the chapters, don't worry B)

(Ah.. one thing I forgot to mention, I'm currently looking for some beta readers for this fanfiction. If you're interested, please do message me! :D)


She shivered in the dark, moldy cell again, and she wrapped her bruised arms around her knees. She couldn't take this any longer. She wanted to be free.. She wanted to spread my arms, and pretend that they were wings. Pretend that she could fly out of here.

"W-What a pitiful fantasy..", She muttered under her breath, and focused her gaze onto the sentries stationed outside her cell. 

She felt so helpless, so broken, as she slowly started to curl up into a ball on the stone-cold floor. She could tell that she was dying, slowly but surely, the feeling was arising, and she was ready to give up. 

She already had everything taken from me. heh... so what does it matter if she died?

 She yearned for the feeling of freedom again, she yearned to see daylight one last time.. she wanted to see.. them, one last time. To breath in the scent of the flowers, and to talk to the animals that she had not seen since my capture. How unfortunate that it had to end this way..

She let out a small groan of all the pent up emotion that had been building up for years now. A small part of her felt glad that nobody heard it besides the sentries. They turned their heads to look at me, and a smile was visible on one of their faces. Hate and rage seeped its way into her mind, but not for long.. it started to fade as quickly as it came up.

She started to close her eyes, and started to let death embrace her, her heartbeat pulsed in her chest, and she buried my face into her knees. 

This was the end. She had nothing left. She barely mustered up the strength to say these final words. 

"P-Please.. s-somebody.. I-It's.. so c-cold here.. p-please.. c-come.. f-for.. m-me.."

And with that, her vision started to blur and blacken at the same time.

Death was getting near.. until she heard the echo of a lion's roar.

Keith's POV

The feeling was surging throughout his body, he wasn't sure if it was the panging in his chest.. all he know was that he had to find the source of his pain. He grimaced, and stumbled forward, his bayard clutched to his chest just incase. 

He had left his lion, Red, a few moments ago, and the other paladins had yelled at him for not getting off the ship soon so. Even if he had just acquired Red, he couldn't let the pain go unnoticed. No matter how hard he tried. If he left just like, he had a gut feeling it would continue to haunt him until he figured out the source of it.

He felt his feet guide him towards the prison cells, as he was quick to wipe out the sentries in front of the door. He was quick and agile with his movements, as he shuffled into the cells. The source was coming from here. He felt it stronger now, and his eyebrows furrowed in pain.

"Keith? You got your lion, yeah, but why aren't you coming back?" Shiro's deep, but husky voice spoke out from their communication link in concern, and Keith continued walking, ignoring Shiro's voice for a few moments.

He snaked his way around a few walls, stone cells, and the pain was immensely pulsing throughout his entire body now, he felt sorrow, and broken. Someone or something was driving these emotions into him, making him feel this way. He grunted, and jumped, tumbling harshly towards the source.

"Keith! Hurry up! We can't hold much longer!" Allura boomed impatiently, and Keith groaned in pain, softer this time.

"H-hold on!" He hissed quickly through their link, and he focused on what was in front of him.

 It was a girl, and he knew immediately that she was the source. She was the reason for his pain. She was curled up into a ball on the dirty, and musty floor, and he gritted his teeth. Something about her, something that he couldn't put his tongue on, sparked in him, and he cut the Galra metal with one swipe of his bayard. The bars fell to the ground with a loud 'boom!', and he heard footsteps coming this way.

He ran over to the girl, and stroked a hand through her tangled, matted, brown hair. He shook his head in denial, his thoughts going haywire. He winced, as he felt more sorrow washing over him. He grabbed the girl, and he saw that her eyes were closed, she was injured gravely. He ran a clothed hand over her neck, feeling for a pulse.

It was barely there.

He stood up, hoisting the girl into his arms, the position more comfortable for him. He tightened the grab around him. He needed to make sure she would make it through. He didn't know why. Every instinct and fiber in his body told him to take the girl with him. Why? Why?! What was so damn special about her? 

He clenched his bayard in his free hand tighter, and started to make his way back to the lion.

"Keith!" Allura yelled at him, just him this time, her patience was growing thin and weary. 

"I'm coming! Allura, you need to prepare a healing pod!" He shouted back at her, and started sprinting back to Red. He narrowed his eyes, and up his bayard to deflect some of the lasers shot out by the sentries. 

"What for?!" 

"No time to explain! Getting chased by the Galra! I'm coming up to Red!" he whispered harshly, not wanting to draw any extra attention to him and the girl, and he dashed quicker than he had ever known in his life. Back to the safety of his lion, Red, who had only accepted him a few moments ago.

He jumped into the pilot's seat, as the holograms and panels started to appear onto the screen. It was similar to Lance's, and he set his bayard down, letting the girl fall onto his lap. He managed to wiggle his arms free, and he grabbed onto the grips, pushing them forward. Red let out a temperamental roar, and she immediately jumped out of the ship, cracking through the walls, as the boosters began to activate. He spotted the wormhole, and he pushed the grips harder, as Red flew through the sinking wormhole.

He had made it.. but the overwhelming feeling of anxiety, and more was still lingering. He couldn't understand why. He couldn't understand the impulse to rescue the girl.. But he was a paladin of Voltron.. was this the right decision? His mind wandered for a few moments. What if- what if she was a Galra? He cursed something incoherent under his breath, and let himself relax as Red slowly made her return to the castle.


The lion's roar echoed again. What a magnificent sound. So.. it it was right there. She reached out her hand into the never ending darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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