1: Bullets and Gum

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"Damn, why did my mom want some gum this late, it's freaking cold out here.Like come on it's just some freaking gum. Dang Melody you have to be smarter and bring a jacket next time. Its freaking pitch black outside, Oh My George! I could be kidnapped, or robbed, or worst of all I could be eaten alive by stray dogs. You know what Melody just keep walking your almost there."I said, walking to the neighborhood 'friendly' gas station. Since it is right down the street I didn't feel the need to drive but now I deeply regret it.

About 5 minutes later I made it to the light! "Hey Marty!" I said to the owner behind the counter who has been working their ever since I could remember, and is used to my weekly trips to the store for some peppermint gum. She has to have gum, ever since she stopped smoking her new addiction is gum. GUM! Not even the good fruity and bubblicious kind.

"Hey Melody. You here for the usual." He said mockingly with a crooked smile on his face.

"Yes, one day I'm just going to buy a lifetime supply of peppermint gum so I won't have to come back every week." I said.

"And how many times to you say that line every week." He said laughing.

"Your right, but this girl don't have that kind of mon-" I was interrupted by a loud bang of the door.

"EVERYONE GET ON THE GROUND NOW!" Holy Chiwawas! Is this really happening. You don't have to tell me twice to get on the ground. It was only Marty and I and a few other people in the store. "I SAID GET ON THE GROUND NOW OR I WILL SHOOT THIS WHO PLACE DOWN!"

I fell on the ground fast, unable to look at the door since I was facing away. Now that I think about it, the voice sounded so familiar. No sounds were made only heavy breathing and hysterical crying from across the room. I wonder how Marty was holding up.

"Now Adrian, you don't have to do this." Someone said, I think it was Marty. Marty knew this guy? What type of stuff is he in if he knows someone like this? But, the name Adrian sounds familiar but I can't put my mind to it. I didn't even get a chance to get the gum for my mom. Good job to Melody for thinking about the gum instead of your life right now.

"Shut the fuck up." Was that person talking to me, was I talking out loud. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer until it past me. Thank God! I tried to look up and I could only see the persons back and had a black mask on. Only until he moved to the side did I see his gun in his hand, pointing to Marty.

"Now Marty, where's your son? He owes me 50 grand, and suddenly he disappears. I know you know where he is at so I'm going to give you until the count of 10 to tell me where he is at." He said. 50 grand, how can you borrow 50 grand from someone. I didn't even know Marty had a son or even a wife.

"Now Adrian, can you please put the gun down and lets let these people live so we can talk in private." Marty said with a cracked voice. I looked at Marty and he looked at me and suddenly the man turns around.

"Now why would I let them go? So they can call the police. I'm not stupid. I can blow everyones brains up in here if I have to, for you to tell me where your son is." The man said, waving his gun around. Someone behind me starts crying. Then, suddenly he turns around back to Marty. "10."

"I don't know where my son i-" Marty tries to say but is interrupted.

"9." The man says. What do I do, hopefully someone called the cops.

"Adrian please!" Marty says. I start crying. This is hard to watch, there is nothing I could do.

"8." The man keeps counting down, seems like it's going so slow but it's really not. I look up at Marty and he has a scared expression on his face.

"7. I KNOW YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS, JUST GIVE UP NOW."The man says grabbing Marty by his shirt, pulling him over the counter. Suddenly sirens are heard, I look up and the man still has Marty by the collar. I start to breathe hard hoping the man doesn't hear the sirens and that they will come quicker.

"1." The man says and shoots Marty in the head, blood splattered everywhere. All I hear is screams and crying. I am shocked, I can't move and I can't breathe. The man drops Marty on the ground and turns around. He looks around the room at everyone, until his eyes land on me. He looks surprised as if he knew me. He shakes his head and walks around waving his gun.

"If anyone tells the police my name, I will find you guys in a heartbeat and -" He says, but I blank out. All I can think of is that Marty is dead, and I saw him die in front of my eyes. And that Adrian sounds familiar to me, but I can't put my mind to it. I keep crying and crying and when I look up, he is gone. But he left something behind, his wallet. DING DING DING DING DING.

During my victory the police come out of no where kicking the door down. EXTRA the door was unlocked. I quickly get up and grab his wallet and put it in my back pocket. Should I turn it in, but wait he says if I tell them his name he is gonna kill me. But technically I didn't tell them his name. You know what Melody. Just breathe Just breathe. My train of thought was paused when a police officer asked if I was okay. He took me outside for questioning and checked for any injuries. I had to keep my answers short and blank because I might slip up.

"Do you know what happened in there?" The officer asked.

"No." I said trying to keep a straight face without freaking out.

"Can You identify the person?" The officer said.

"All I know is that it was a man wearing all black." I said. "Can I just go home now." I asked tearing up a little. It just hit me that Marty is dead.

"Yes of course, but we might need to call you back for more questioning later on this week. Did you drive?" He asked.

"No. I'll just call my mom." I said.

"Okay, but stay here so we can watch you until your guardian gets here." He said. I reach to get my phone out of my pocket and realized that I have about 12 miss calls from my mom. I go to call her and as soon as she picks up she yells,"WHERE ARE YOU?"

I told her what happened and she was here in a flash. As soon as I see her car I run towards it and when she stops she gets out the car and hugs me. I start crying and crying and the officer comes up behind us telling her what happened. "It's okay Mel." She says rubbing my back. When I was done she says thank you to the officer and tells me to get in the car.

When I get in I say, "Sorry my I didn't get your gum." She does a small laugh.

"That's okay honey, I'm just glad your okay." She says and the rest of the ride was quiet.

When we got home she kisses me on the forehead and I go to my room. I take a quick shower and put my pajamas on. As I lay down I think about everything that happened over and over again until I realized I forgot I had his wallet! I get up fast and fetch my pants to get the wallet from the back pocket. I turn the lights back on and sit on my bed. When I opened it, I was completely and utterly shocked.

This was Adrian Gomez, the finest guy in our school, also known as Mr. Gomez.


Sorry for the mistakes guy! This is my first story so don't be too harsh on me. Did you like it? Please comment and tell me how you feel about this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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