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We went to hole that was there before, that I fell in before. Unfortunately I couldn't see it but  Clark  pushed me in the hole instead of showing me where it was.
Anyways I took out my flashlight getting ready to see Basid or Marla.
Walking closer we went to the cage that Marla would most likely be and then......we fell in another hole

"How many holes do this place have",I shouted in a quiet voice.

"This is a trap", Clark replied almost starting to panic.

So we walked and walked and we saw the cages,but they were empty.

Then we fell in another trap.

"Code C, code C, Code C(that means retreat)", he shouted.

It's a trap, but before we can move we got stuck into a cage.

"Bad news is that we are stucked,"I said calming down.
Good news is that we found Marla! I said becoming all happy and cheerful.

"Hey guys....i..i.. I missed you. Is this for real",Marla said crying with joy.
"We came to save you but now were trapped",I responded.

"I guess there must be a way out,"Clark said.

"I knew Basid for a very long time and I did work for him,he always had a way out of everything".Clark said.

"Okay, well let's start looking",I replied.
A few minutes past and we found a way out it was all the way up at the top of the cage.

How are we going to get up there,I wondered.
"Climb up top of me, Clark said"
I climbed up top of Clark and with all my strength I pulled the top open, but i couldn't.

"I cant it's to tight", i said disappointed of myself

Clark then took me down and said,"They have to be another way out.

We all looked and looked everywhere but the other exit seemed to not appear.

"What will we do now, "we all said sadly.

The Story Of The Missing GirlWhere stories live. Discover now