Chapter 3

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You woke up to the sun beating down on you.

You say up and noticed you were naked underneath a blanket.

You then looked to the side to see a very naked man also.

It was Jimin.

You then felt a pain in your lower area.

You were about to get up, but you stopped.

You felt like someone was watching you.

You turned to right and saw them.

The three girls.

Watching you.

You were about to get up to tell Jimin, but when you looked up again you saw they had disappeared.

You cursed to yourself.

You then looked at Jimin's peaceful face.

You thought of something evil.

To wake him up you grabbed his dick and pulled.

He jolted up in an instant.

You laughed at his face.

"Funny" he said as he got up to change.

As you both finished changing, you got in the truck to head home.


You guys were all heading towards the circus.

You were nervous, so Jimin held your hand to make you feel better.

Your knight in shining army am I right?

You then noticed the ripped up top of the circus tent.

And there it was.

The Spring Day Circus.

A place for dreamers to come make fun.

Their motto.

The tent had been torn up on the sides.

You all entered and saw how messed up it was inside.

You noticed a patch of grass in the middle all burnt.

You moved your head towards another area.

Not wanting a vision to occur.

As you all walked around the area looking for something, you noticed an odd shape on the floor.

You almost freaked out at what you saw.

It was a bow.

Your bow.

From the last time you were here.

It was black on the tips and red on the inside with a doll that had its eyes crossed out engraved on the button.

You then saw a bright light and felt your body weaken and fall to the ground.

The last thing you heard was Jimin yelling your name.

Before you had fallen into another vision.

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