Chapter 4:Danger is a Foot

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Last Chapter of Vol. 1 Already!!
Remember,I own nothing!Enjoy!
Drake's POV
She tightened her grip second by second. "Enemy of literature?How can you possibly call me that?" She asked after I insulted her. "I consider myself to be an art of culture."
"That might be it,but you are still clueless to beauty!" Eve yells. "You said that this book held a secret,right?" She asks once more,we're both on our knees,enduring her grip. "That old hag must've hidden his fortune and hidden the map in separate pieces inside the books!" The Countess exclaims with greed. "Now hand it over!" We shake our heads,tightening our grip on the book.Out of no where,Gavin comes flying in,Joy flying him. "Lightning Devil Slayer's Electric Knives!" Gavin yells,throwing small bolts at lightning at the Countess.Joy drops Gavin,landing on his feet. "All right Joy!"
Joy's transformation ends and she ends up in the sewer water.I facepalm. "What was that,a flying cat?!" The Countess yells. "The name's Joy to you!" Joy says,her voice is bubbly due to the sewer water. "Uh,Joy,I would get out of that if I were you." Eve suggests. "'s not that bad." The cat retorts. "Joy,that's sewer water." I say.Eve and I each hold up a key. "It looks like the tables have turned.Let us keep the saga and we'll go easy on you."
"Although," Gavin says,cracking his knuckles. "I still intend on teaching you a lesson." The Countess looks at Eve. "Oh,so you're both Spirit Wizards.Well,time for me to turn the tables then!You're no match for me and my magic!" She drills underground. "No way!The countess is a wizard too?!" Joy says,scrambling out of the water.The two of us look to the stupid cat. "Can you not smell yourself cat?!" I yell.That's when the countess popped up.It was the spell Diver she was using.We dodged all of her attacks,but that didn't stop us from a conversation.
"I think I figured out the story now.It's about a trashy young protagonist woman named Countess Dawntoh!" I yell pulling out my whip. "Aw,now I wouldn't call the protagonist trashy."
"You forced her to write it!" Eve yells.We kept on dodging her every attack. "And I don't know why she maid such a fuss either.Anyone who got the chance to write about me should be honored!" "Not only that but you threatened her too!" I shout. "Threatened?" The annoying cat asks. "It's not my fault she rejected the offer in the first place." The Countess starts.
"I allowed Miss Blu to write the high and mighty me a book with me as the main protagonist.But she was an idiot and refused the amazing offer.That's why I told her that if she continued to refuse,I'd strict her family of their citizenship!So she gave in to my authority!" She yells.
Joy looks at her in horror. "You have the power to do that?!" "I have the power to do what I want you stupid cat!" The Countess yells. "But she says she didn't have enough "inspiration",so I gave her some in a cell."
"You monster!She was in solitary confinement for nearly a decade years!" Eve yelled. "A-A decade?!" The cat echoed.
"How could you do that!" Eve yells.Then,I hold up the books. "However,when she finished,she used up the last of her magic to cast a spell on these books!" "What?!" The countess was pissed.
"But,I'm afraid we won't be giving you these books anytime soon." I look over to Eve,pulling up a key. "Eve!"
Eve gives me nod,pulling out a key as well.
"Open!Gate of the Ram,Aries!"
"Open!Gate of the Summer Guardian,Natsumi!"
The two spirits appear,Aries on the right,and a long red haired woman on the left.

"Open!Gate of the Ram,Aries!" "Open!Gate of the Summer Guardian,Natsumi!"The two spirits appear,Aries on the right,and a long red haired woman on the left

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"So,Evie what can I do for you today?This better be quick,I was kickin' some ass elsewhere." The redhead says after a small Tsk. "See old miss fatso over there,melt off that wig." "Aries,help Ms.Natsumi out." I say.The Countess tried her best to keep her cool. The real secret?Could it be she wrote down about the illegal underbelly I still run.I can't have that happen.That'd be the end of me! That's when tubbo pulled out a bronze key. "Open!Gate of the Traveler God!Hermes!"
Everyone else was shocked at what they had seen. "That's the same kind of magic as yours!" Joy yells to Gavin and Eve.

 "That's the same kind of magic as yours!" Joy yells to Gavin and Eve

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"You called,Mistress?" The wing-sandal God asked. "Hermes!Get that book!I want it!" "No way!He's a Celestial Spirit?" Gavin asks.Suddenly,everybody gasps at what dangles from Hermes' staff.It's Nashi,looking confused as ever. "What?!" Eve yells. "Sis!" I yell in concern. "Uh,hi?" Nashi responds,holding on tightly as Hermes is too dumbfounded. "What are you doing up there?" Gavin asks. "Well,after I beat him,he came to a while ago,so a grabbed the staff as he tried to go and then all. Of a sudden,I'm here!" Nashi explains. "So you grabbed his staff inside the mansion?But...that means...YOU PASSED THROUGH THE GATE WITH HIM!" "Actually,it's been done numerous times for the Celestial Spirit World." I state.Eve looks to me like I'm crazy. "WHAT?!" "Hey,what the heck do I do now?!" Nashi asks,impatient. "Finish what you started!" Gavin shouts. "Hermes,exterminate these pests!" Hermes shakes Nashi off his staff and the dragon slayer lands on her feet. "Understood!" "Oh yeah,I'm fired up now!" She takes a silent breath. "Here goes,Fire Dragon Roar!" With that,Nashi unleashes a fiery bellow at the spirit." "You sick vixen mole!You can't run away anymore!" I shout,bringing out mom's while,trapping her. "A bit-part in a novel is more than you deserve!" Eve looks to Natsumi and Aries. "Knock her out girls." "On it!Aries,after you!" Natsumi says to the Ram spirit. "O-Ok!Wool Cushion!" Aries shouts as she plops a wool cushion atop of the Countess's head.Natsumi smirks.Her finger ignites into a flame. "Let's light it up!" With a snap of her fingers,the wool ignites into flames and Gavin gives the Countess a good punch to the face.The countess lies on the ground,bald.Natsumi looks to Nashi. "Say,what do you think of this cutie?" Hermes too lies on the ground,dizzy.Nashi takes a look. "Nice one!" She pauses,then blinks. "Wait,'cutie'?"
We quickly make our way out of the sewer,only to stare in shock,we,and amazement at the falling mansion.
"Well well!Nice,flashy,and out with a bang!Good job Eve,you too Gavin." Nashi says with a goofy grin. "You're both bound to fit in at Fairy Tail." I add. "Aye!But we ended up destroying things again." Joy pops.Gavin stares at the ground in defeat. "I-Is this our f-fault?" Eve mumbles.
Gavin's Ending Monologue
We now continued our way down the thick forests of Fiore.In the end,we had decided to turn down the reward money,thinking that Marianne and her mother could use it to restart their lives.Along the way home,we met with Urtear.We had ran into each other earlier on and she aided us in rescuing Joy from being cat food from an unknown team from what Eve could guess was a dark guild.Before we could ask them any questions,the ground had sunk,taken the mysterious intruders with it.We didn't know what was happening,but I knew something would go down south the second I heard a near ancient word:Lullaby.

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