Chapter Thirty Seven

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Kennedy Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"Aubrey stop," I whined, even though I really didn't want him to. I mean, who would complain about being woken up to the sweetest kisses?

"Wake up then, it's like...almost eleven. I'm rarely free and you wanna sleep all day." Despite my head being deep into my pillow, I just knew he was pouting.

"I'm sleeping for two," I rolled over and raised a brow at him and he rolled his eyes.

"That's not a thing Ken." He said and I laughed.

"I'm up now, what do you want?" I lifted my head up and pushed my curls away from my face.

"Well, our children are downstairs fucking up the kitchen." He told me and I had to hold in my laughter, knowing he was dead serious.

"And to think we're going to have another," I shook my head and sat up. "What's on the agenda for the day?" I tossed over my shoulder as I walked into the bathroom and just like I knew he would, he followed me inside.

"I don't know, whatever you want to do. Wanna go out for lunch, we haven't gone on a date in a minute."

"Not since the cheesecake," I laughed and grabbed my toothbrush. Drake dropped his head in embarrassment and shook it.

"I've never seen you that mad before but I'm glad we're here to laugh about it together." He stood behind me and started rubbing my back which felt all too good.

After I brushed my teeth, I walked out of the bathroom and through the bedroom to head downstairs but he stopped me. "Where's my kiss?"

Smiling, I tiptoed up and kissed him. He tightened his arms around me and in that moment, there was no place I'd rather be.

We walked downstairs together, hand-in-hand, and I went straight to the kitchen, were Kylie was holding up a wooden spoon, about to smack the shit out of Jason.

"What are y'all fighting for?" I shook my head.

"Because his big lip ass ate all the grapes." Kylie rolled her eyes. "He needs to take a bath, he had that shit on yesterday."

"Don't worry about me, I'm about to shower as soon as I finish my grapes." Jason teased her with the bowl and Kylie squinted her eyes at him.

"Drake was right," I nodded, looking at the two of them. "You two really are our children."

"Oh you up there talking shit?" Kylie stared at Drake who held his hands up in defense.

"Uh not too much on my baby daddy." I warned. "Anyway, Drake and I are going out...on a date. You guys don't mind do you?"

"You not taking us daddy?" Jason asked and I looked at him like he'd lost his mind.

"What? You said we were your kids." Jason shrugged nonchalantly and at this point Drake couldn't hide the annoyance on his face which made me laugh. "Okay, okay, I'll stop. I'll chill before I be on the first plane out of this bitch." Jason laid across the island dramatically. "But really Ken, you want us to move to LA?" Jason asked and I could see Kylie visibly become uncomfortable at the topic.

"Yes, I was serious but we can talk about that later babe, I'm gonna go upstairs and get dressed. Don't burn down our house." I warned and headed back upstairs.

Aubrey "Drake" Graham.

It always took Kennedy forever to get dressed. By the time I was ready, I still had time to get Jason to come with me to the store, incognito and get Ken some flowers. I knew she'd like them. She always appreciated little shit like that which was why I love her in the first place.

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