Chapter 3: Cousin

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Syc's POV

At the Stelter's Corporation

All eyes on me as I park my car in front of the company then seconds later,I saw him in the front door waiting for me while waving his hand.I quickly got out of my car as soon as I got my car keys and phone to greet him.

I know Charles will be angry once he finds out that I lied to him.It's his fault anyway! If he hadn't ask me his stupid question I wouldn't be away from him.When I reach him he said....

"Glad to see you here,cupcake! You've grown up well...You're a hot lady now.What brought you here,sweety? It seems important that you even came all the way here..." He said while Im walking towards to where he is.

"Nothing much....I just finished a mission an hour ago and I need to dress myself up for that stupid event.I just missed you so I came all the way here to see you and catch things up!" I said then kiss his cheeks and his hands fell on my waist telling me to walk and head to his office.

His buttler greets and opened the door for us.As soon as we're inside his office,I punch him but he easily dodge it and said....

"What was that for,cupcake? Did I do something wrong?" I sit on his couch and he sat beside me and pulls me for a hug then look intently to my eyes.I knew he was looking into my soul as if he can read me.

"My Gosh,Warren! What did you do? You're employee might think we're a couple! Stop confusing them my dear cousin." I snap at him and lay my head on his shoulders as my hands wrapped around his waist.

"How's everything goin'? The business? The mafia? Papa? Is papa okay?" I ask him and worried is vissible in my eyes.

He kissed my forehead and said...

"I run the business very well....As you can see,I am eligible bachelor and one of those young billionaires out there.The mafia? Papa's the one who's handling it and I don't know much about how he runs it.When pertaining to papa's health,he's okay.That old guy is strong! Tsk! He should be retiring being the boss if someone here who's willing to be in his position." Huh! This cousin of mine surely wants to be killed! I shoot death glares at him and Im sure he recieved the message.

"What? I just want you to be the mafia boss and stop being one of those secret agents like James Bond! What if our mens killed you in one of your missions? Do you think me and papa will be happy?" He said and go to his pantry somewhere inside his office while frustrated.

I thought this day would get better but Im wrong.Why wouldn't he understand that I love what Im doing right now and they should be happy for me! I better leave this place or something bad might happen.

I texted Eric and said that I'll cook dinner tonight.It's only 8:20 pm and I have 40 minutes left to prepare.It's weird,isn't it? Both me and Eric always eat dinner at 9pm in the evening.It's normal for us eating at that time and we're used to it.It's either me who will cook or him.I got out of my seat and walked towards the door to open it but before I could go he spoke...

"Where the hell are you going? Stop running away,will you? God damn it!" He shouted at me.He's standing right infront of his desk.

"Huh! Now you're dictating me? Stop it! Will you? Stop acting that you are my father! Stop acting that you are my boyfriend! Because you know what? I don't care about how you feel! From now on.....Leave Me Alone!" I shouted at him angrily and leave him dumb founded.

As I go out to his office,all eyes are on me and him.The door's open when we shouted to each other and there's no doubt that they heard it loud and clear.Ugh! How I hate to be the center of attention!

"What the hell are you looking at?" I shouted at them.Tsk! These weaklings! I continue walking when someone grabbed my arm real hard and I knew who it is.

"Im sorry....I should have not say something like that.Im sorry if you think Im always dictating you.Please......give me a chance just this once....." He pleaded but the anger inside me is still on full force.

"Our talk is over.I need to go...*silent for a moment*...Someone's waiting for me."I calmly said to him.

" Who the fuck is that person? And why the fuck that person is waiting for you?" He ask in a calm way.

"It's co-worker.I said to him it's my treat so I really need to go." I said then walk towards the elevator and I didn't even dare to look back at him.

While inside the elevator,I took out my bluetooth headset and play the song "If You Do by Got7"

If you do it's good,If I do it's done
How can you say Im always wrong?
You always want to win
Tears are your weapon

The song Im listening stops and replaced by a ringtone....It only means someone is calling.I answered it quickly.

"Where are you? Im starving already! By the way,why the fuck is Charles drunk? What did you do?" He ask teasingly

"Im inside the elevator......I.....uh you know.....argh whatever! To your two unanswered question,I didn't do anything.Maybe he drinks in the event an hour ago in our mission.I just didn't answer his question.That's all......I think?" I answered him truthfuly and he ended the call.

As I get inside my car,I drove as fast as I can so I can quickly cook our dinner.My stomach growls and Im hungry too~

Eric's POV

I ended my call with Syc and about what I said to her that Im hungry already? It's only an act to pursuade her because I wanna know what happened to her mission with Charles.

"Hey Eric! Where the hell is that fucking girl? I badly need her! And you know what? *hik* She lied to me......S-she said she's heading here after the mission *hik* I wanna see her,touch here,kiss her an---" he didn't finished talking 'cause she's here already.....Sycrine

"Im sorry if I took long enough for you to be hungry already.Im heading to the kitchen so no need to greet me,okay?" She said while heading towards the kitchen area.

Me and Charles are silently looking at her because she didn't even bother to look at us.I mean what the hell? We're just infront of her! I look at Charles and I know he will say something.

"What the *hik* hell was that? Is she blind? *hik* I think I need a rest! I will go to your room now dude! You share,right?" He ask

I look at him and shrug my shoulders and nod then he made his way up to my room.When he's out of sight,I walk towards the kitchen and watch her cooking some dinner for the both of us,me and her.She sense that someone's watching her so she quickly looked at me.

"Why are you staring? You know it's rude to stare at someone." She said while preparing the plates.

I walked towards her and took the plates off of her hands to assemble it on the table and said...

"Charles is here *silent for a moment* He'll stay in my room for tonight only.By the way,I noticed that you're too pre- occupied when you came.....You didn't even see or look at us......We're just right infront of you.You okay?" Im patiently looking at her when she finished preparing the food and sits down in her chair so I did the same.

"Remember when you ask me about where I am? I came to my family's company..." She said and I noticed she turns her right hand to a fist.Take note,a very tight fist.

"What happened? Is anyone hurt or something?" I really want to know the reason why.Curiosity killed the cat.

"They want me to run one of our business and stop working as an agent.I had a talk with my cousin Warren and it didn't turn out well.Why can't they be happy for me? I love being an agent but it's a burden for them." She said while we're eating.I just nod and dismiss the topic 'cause I know it won't help her to think a solution for her problem.

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