Heartbeat (A Short Story)

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Richard Faulkerson Jr. walked towards the center of the stage. This was the day he prepared for. This was the day he worked hard to achieve. As he walked to the middle of the stage where he'd be performing, with all the blaring spotlights pointed at him, he looked at the seat he reserved for the person he loved.

It was a seat for his girlfriend, Nicomaine Mendoza.

Despite the fight that they had earlier, he still hoped to see her sitting amongst the crowd, waiting to hear his cover music, all of which he chose because it was for her.

Unfortunately, what he saw made him regret that he’s having a concert today. The spot he saved for her was empty. She wasn't there and he’s guessing that she wouldn’t be arriving anytime soon.

He shrugged, shook off the nervousness, sadness and anger that he felt at that moment. He wanted to run but of course he couldn't do that.

Not now.

He knew that whatever happened earlier or will happen later, the show must go on. He can't let it get to his head.

Richard took a deep breath, picked up his guitar, stood in front of the microphone, ran his fingers through his silky black hair then welcomed the restless crowd who were waiting for him to perform. "Hello, Madison Square Garden! Are you ready to have a good time?" In his mind, he sure as hell won't be enjoying tonight.


Nicomaine Mendoza breathed the winter air as she walked through the snowy streets of New York with a heavy heart and a confused mind. She hated what transpired earlier. She hated that she fought with her boyfriend on the day of his concert, and now, she was worried that she might have messed up the show he had prepared for, all month long.

She walked without knowing where she should go. She walked without seeing where her feet was taking her. She just kept thinking about the fight that they had and how it was the third worst fight that had happened since they started dating.

"No relationship is perfect." She said to herself. "I just wish that he'd be happy for me." She didn't realize that she was now standing at the center of Times Square, surrounded by the bright lights of the various electronic billboards, one of which particularly caught her attention. It was the billboard of a TV show that has been on for quite a while.

"I never thought I'd be cast as your series regular. I thought I'd be happy." She stared at the billboard, wishing everything to just go away.


"I can't believe you're not happy for me." Nicomaine said. She sat on the chair beside the bed where RJ sat, still naked and distraught from being awakened from his sleep and from being bombarded with the news that his girlfriend was moving across country to film a TV show.

"How can I be happy when we talked about you going with me in my tour across Europe? You never told me you were pegged as a regular cast for this role. You didn't even tell me that you auditioned." He said. There was anger in his still raspy voice.

"I thought I might surprise you this time." Nicomaine said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I would have supported you if you just told me." Richard grabbed his jeans and started putting it on. "I would have been happy if you didn't keep this a secret. Why would you even keep it a secret? Did you think I wouldn't support you with your decision? Did you think I wouldn't have let you join that show? Did you think I'd be angry because you won't be in my tour?" He walked to the dresser, grabbed a shirt, placed it on then walked towards his guitar.

"I didn't tell you because I promised you I'll be in your tour. I promised you that I'll join you no matter what. And then I get a call from the casting director last month saying that I'll start filming soon. How was I supposed to tell you without hurting your feelings?" Nicomaine stood up. She didn't think Richard would be reacting this way. She thought that he'd be happy for her.

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