What The?!

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I woke up and dressed up for school. Ate my breakfast and went to the bus stop early.

I went to my locker and checked my things. I went to my class.

Everyone looked different. They seemed to ignore me and pretend I was invisible. They seem to not to talk to each other. I thought to myself "This day is officially the weirdest day ever". So I went to our library.

As I walked in, I saw two of my most loathed people of my life: Shanna and Alison. Why are they the only people in here? Then, our librarian called my name. "Hey (Y/n)! You're not supposed to be here! Go and get lost!"

"What the hell?!" I thought to myself

"Why would you shout rude things at me?! I would report you to whoever management you are in!!!" I replied at the top of my lungs

"You know why you're not allowed here? Because only the people you hate are the ones allowed here!" The librarian replied with an evil grin

How would she know about the people I hate? All I know is that I told no one about it.

I felt my hands twitching with anger. I gestured my fingers to the left in front of me and I made the librarian and the old maintenance man kiss each other. Then I glared at my two hated enemies I flicked my fingers up and they both levitated while I suffocated them. I gestured my other hand and I pinned them both to the ceiling begging to be released.

I raised both my hands slowly and all the books every where levitated and destroyed everything it bumps on. I walked towards the exit and was confused why everything turned into a grass field. The head librarian was devastated as she saw the library gets torn to pieces. I walked very far from the building and saw a mini version of our Physical Education teacher skipping through the grass fields while the background music was playing "Walking on Sunshine". I was laughing while watching the mini P.E. teacher skipping through the field while the hilarious music was playing.

Then I woke up.

A/n: Sorry if the chapter's ending was soo random but I hope that you find it great! ;-) Bye!!!
Anyways, I can't think of names for the protagonist but I'll be leaving it up to you.

A Dream I Once ForgotWhere stories live. Discover now