1 | the best friend

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' her thoughts were like stars '

THE SOUND OF KNOCKING on a white wooden door of the pastel blue house echoed throughout the forest that protected it like a shield, wrapping around it in a circle as it linked arms

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THE SOUND OF KNOCKING on a white wooden door of the pastel blue house echoed throughout the forest that protected it like a shield, wrapping around it in a circle as it linked arms.

"Coming!" Yelled an angel-like voice from inside. The owner of the voice rushed down the stairs, her brown hair flying behind her as she used her super speed to get down in just a few minutes. She opened the door, only to let out a tiny gasp and a huge smile. "Alice!"

The said women entered the house, her mate by her side, before hugging the brunette.

"It's so good to see you." Alice let out a smile as her best friend smiled from ear to ear. Her mate, Jasper, felt an overwhelming amount of happiness radiate off her.

"It is good to see you too, but I need your help," Alice said. This caused the Brunette to stop smiling and immediately turn serious. When it came to her friends, she would never let anything happen to them. She motioned them to come in before sitting them on the couch and demanding they tell her what happened and what's going to happen.

And so they did. The told her how Edward found his blood singer, how James attacked her. Almost bitten by Jasper when she cut her finger. How he left her and how he and the Cullen's left. How she felt betrayed and then went cliff diving, which caused the Cullen's to think she was dead but no it was because of the werewolves she could no longer see their futures. How they went to Volturi to save Edward. How a newborn army attacked them. How the two got married before going on their honeymoon which leant to her getting pregnant.

"How? Vampires can't reproduce." The brunette voiced her thoughts. The two shrugged their shoulders, not understanding themselves.

"I don't know, but Bella gave birth to a girl, a hybrid. She's half human, half vampire. I don't know how though." Alice stated. The brunette was curious and intrigued by this.

"So what is the danger?" The brunette asked, confused about the situation.

"Violet, the Volturi found out. They think she's an immortal child." The brunette, named Rachelle, widened her eyes, as shock overcame her.

"What?" She stared at them confused before she nodded, determination filling her eyes. "Very well. I will help," Alice grinned and wrapped her best friend in a huge hug.

"Thank you so much." Alice squealed. Rachelle laughed and patted her back. "But don't tell anyone where I am or where I'm going. And put your metal shield when you get there, Edward can read minds." Rachelle nodded as Alice told her where to go and when. After a few minutes, the two mates left, leaving Rachelle in her thoughts. What could go wrong? She thought as she shrugged, going upstairs to pack her stuff.

Alice and Jasper began to walk through the woods when the former came to a stop, her mind being tugged into a scene from the future, one that her grinning widely.

"What's wrong? Why are you so happy?" Came the voice of the Jasper Hale, the one who could control and feel emotions of others and who was also mated to Alice Cullen. The pixie-like vampire was jumping with joy as her eyes twinkled.

"I'm so happy! She's going to find her mate!" Alice squealed. Jasper rose a brow, confused. "Rachelle silly. She's going to find her mate!" Jasper nodded.

"Do you know who?" He asked.


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