Chip Switch and Nightmares

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School this week has been incredibly annoying due to the fact that it was Safety Awareness week. Principal Perry was obsessed with doing all these different drills. I don't understand why Perry wanted us to do all these drills since she hates us. I'm not even joking. Last week, she walked up to one of the students and said, 'I hate you,' right to his face. Why the hell is she a Principal when she hated kids?

So you'll never guess what Adam, Bree, and Chase did. They decided to switch their bionic chips so they could see what it'd be like to have the others bionics. I tried telling them that it wasn't a good idea, but did they listen to me? No they did not.

I was walking with Leo in the hall when the afternoon alarm went off.

"Come on, Leo. Let's go." I said, trying to drag my best friend out of the school. He decided to ignore me. He spotted Perry and pulled me into the elevator. He started pressing a bunch of buttons in hopes that Perry wouldn't catch us. He failed.

Perry entered the elevator and glared at us. "Not so fast Dooley and Martin. What were you two thinking? In an emergency, the elevator is the worst place you could be."

"Well it is now that you're here." Leo muttered under his breath.

"Leo, shut it." I said through clenched teeth. I don't need Perry killing Leo just because of his big mouth.

Suddenly the doors closed and the elevator shifted. "We're going up." I commented.

"Did you push a button?" Perry questioned.

"No." Leo lied. He did push a button. Multiple buttons actually. "You must've bumped it when you shifted your center of gravy-gravity!"

I don't know what happened, but the elevator came to a stop and the doors weren't opening. Please tell me we're not stuck here!

Perry started pressing buttons but nothing was happening. "Huh, power's still on. Must be a fuse. The one day I don't wear my tool belt."

"Hey, I have a paper clip." Leo said.

"Well that will certainly come in handy if we need to hold two papers together!" Perry snapped.

Being trapped in an elevator with the devil and Leo wasn't what I had in mind. Did I forget to mention that I was claustrophobic? No? Well now you know. The only reason I can ride the elevator down to the lab is because I'm only in there for a few seconds. But now that I'm trapped, well let's just say I'm screwed.

"Leo, I'm gonna kill you when we get out of here." I said, taking in a few deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Did you forget that I'm claustrophobic?" I asked, glaring at my best friend. His eyes widened.

"I'm so dead when we get out of here, aren't I?"

"No shit, Sherlock." I mumbled.

I sunk down to the floor and leaned against the elevator wall. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

Adam, Bree, and Chase had to have noticed that we disappeared. Wow, I'm making it sound like we got kidnapped.

Perry tried opening the elevator doors and when she did, I noticed that we were in between floors. Can this day get any better?

Leo just stared at Perry and I understand why. She was able to open the elevator doors on her own.

"Don't look at me like that. In high school, I was an all-state squatter." Perry said. Gross.

My hands were getting sweaty and my breathing was becoming more and more shallow.


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