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8AM. Saya belek2 handphone saya. Waiting for her call or text message. Menyesal juga nda minta number dia. What is she doing right now? Sudah bangun ka tu belum?

"Coffee?" Anna hulur secawan kopi sama Aaron.

"Thanks Mum." Anna is Aaron's mother btw.

"How is the girl?" Tanya Anna direct.

"I'm not sure Mum." Masih lagi Aaron renung tu skrin hp. Still no ring from Libi.

"Maybe you should call her?" Suggest Anna.

"I dont have her number." Aaron hirup tu kopi. "By the way Mum, can i borrow few of Lacey's clothes? For her."

"Sure. Later i ask Mina to sedia la." Anna continue hirup tu coffee. "Macam mana rupa the girl? Show me?"

"I dont have her pic la Mum. But for sure she is super cute."

"You like her?" I look at my mum's face. Tenang ja muka dia. "You wouldn't want to keep a girl at your suites if its not you like her am i right?"

"Mum, i just encounter with her." Balas me.

"Yes but she saved you twice you told me."

"Sayaaa..." Dalam saya tarik nafas.

"Go and ask her. Just ask her for one time."

Saya tau apa maksud my mum tu. Saya tahu apa yang dia suruh saya "Ask her for one time".

"Almost 3 years ko single son. You've been battling your time with work and stuff. Think about a relationship juga. If you have a small feeling about it then go for it. It could be something bigger."

"Mum you are over the top. I must go now. Maybe she is waiting for me." Saya bangkit dr meja. Sy kasih habis tu coffee yg mum saya bikin.

"She is." Balas mum saya. Does she? I want to meet Libi before i'm off to work. I'd bring her few clothes for her to change. Hopefully dia muat.

9AM. Arrived at Harrington Suites. I open the door quietly. As i step in, i saw Libi lying at the couch. Saya approach. Kenapa dia tidur di sofa dan bukan di bilik?

Saya masuk bilik ambil selimut then saya kasih selimut dia. She must have been cold. Saya tatap muka dia lama2, memang cute. Saya tertanya2 balik apa jadi sama dia hari tu. Siapa yang treat her like that until badan dia lebam2.

Tiba2 phone saya ringing. Call from my PA. Saya jawab. Libi terjaga. Slowly dia angkat badan dia.

"Sorry i didn't mean to wake you. Why you sleep here?"

"Mmmmm after you leave i thought i want to sit here for awhile. Lastly saya trtidur. Baru smpai? Sorry you have to see me like this." Libi cover muka dia pakai selimut.

"Ya baru ja. You still look cute tho. Mmmm nah clothes for you. You can change later." Saya hulur tu paper bag sama Libi. Dia ambil then dia bangun mau pi bilik.

"Whats your number?" Saya beranikan diri tanya. "Kejap lagi i have to go to work. Can i get your number just incase?"

Please please give me your number.

"014-6557521. Thank you for this Ron." She smiled then she get in the room. Dia panggil saya Ron. Oh no i feel so delighted!

After shower. Saya tingu di cermin. Masih ada 2 3 lebam d blkg. Sigh! Saya buka tu paper bag. Saya kasih keluar tu baju2 yg Aaron bagi. Ada black legging, white tee, and ada mini dress. Sya mau pakai tu mini dress la cos nobodys around juga. Pakai legging nanti panas pula. (Pdhal rumah berhawa dingin)

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