Our Happiness

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Aaron masih mamai diatas katil apabila dia terdengar lonceng rumahnya berbunyi. Dengan rasa malas dia gagahi juga bangun dan pigi buka pintu untuk melihat siapa yg datang. Its ANNA.

Aaron menjemput Anna masuk!

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Aaron menjemput Anna masuk!

"Awal mum datang." Kata Aaron sambil menguap2.

"Its 10 O'clock Aaron." Balas Anna.

"Anything to drink?" Offer Aaron pulak.

"No. Thank you." Jawab Anna.

"Maybe juice?" Tanya Aaron lagi sambil tengok2 apa yang ada didalam peti sejuk. Anna diam ja.

"Or coffee. Coffee is nice thou." Aaron

"I don't want your god damn juice or coffee!" Balas Anna. Panas sudah hati dia dengan gaya Aaron yang tidak peduli.

"Hurmm..Okayyy." Begitu ja Aaron membalas.

"I heard your schedules are pack. Any new project you handle right now? What is it, which companies? How's the profit and is it spectacular until you were classified as secret?" Soal Anna. Aaron masih lagi sibuk membuka2 peti sejuk,kabinet dapur mengelak drpd disoal.

"You never questioned my schedule before this mum?" Balas Aaron sambil tuang tu jus digelas.

"Aaron just so you know i'm still the top shareholder of the company and that makes me the same level as the CEO." Balas Anna. Sakit hati dia dengan gaya Aaron.

"I know." Balas Aaron. Anna mendengus. Entah apa jadi sama anak dia tu berlagak sungguh.

 Entah apa jadi sama anak dia tu berlagak sungguh

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"Erghh!! Aaron Lee. Listen! Mama sudah jumpa Libi 2 minggu lepas!!" Ucap Anna. Aaron stop meneguk jus. Dia terstuck kjp.

Anna kepelikan melihat reaksi Aaron yang cool seja!

"Don't you wanna know more?." Tanya Anna lagi.

"Really?" Tanya Aaron.

"Really? Hahhh!!! Itu yang ko tanya!! Can you get yourself back. She is your wife. Don't you suppose to be more excited to know about your wife!" Asking Anna with her higher tone.

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