Ch. 2 (Alt) Day 1

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Darkness. All she can see is black. Where is she? Surrounded by pitch black in an unfamiliar bed, where ever she is it's not home. Home would have a soft warm bed and a soft glow of her night light keeping the darkness at bay. She always liked her night light when the light was flicked on it and  showed what the darkness hides, it unveils secrets and show the ugly truth. Ignorance is not bliss as it can't hide the truth forever.

She sat up in the 'bed', through it seems much more like a bench and from the cold surface as well as being very uncomfortable to sit on; let alone sleep on. It's metal, a metal bench. There's not even a blanket! It's what someone would imagine a prison cell would have. But she can't be in prison, that's a ludicrous idea, last she remembers is falling. Falling, falling, falling, it felt like she was falling forever but eventually she stopped and that's when she fainted, from the impact or sheer terror she has no idea. Falling into Mt. Ebott was not her goal, if one could if even think someone would want to do that would be troubling, she merely wanted a look at this fabled mountain where 'monsters were sealed in'. Looking upon it now, it was rather foolish of her to go so close to that hole, but she just wanted a look inside, to see the bottom. Curiosity killed the cat, seems it should be called 'curiosity gives the human bruising.' Speaking of which, if she fell down such a height. She should be dead or at least have some punctured lungs, some scrambled bones. But mere bruising and an agonising ache throughout her entire body? That's impossible. Whether she is, they shouldn't and couldn't be able to of healed her like this, unless they have some magic and said hocus pocus and wished all the pain away then fixed her body in the process.  Or perhaps she's in hell, not surprising since she isn't religious, it would explain the void-like feel of the room and the ice cold feel of anxiety seeping into her soul. Maybe if she was warm and had a blanket or a small light she would feel better, but no she had neither, no warmth, no luxuries and no comfort. Just her and the darkness. 

A idea to get of this situation would be great, but the only one that came to her was useless. She could fumble around in the darkness, but she could easily trip and hurt her self. With  her mind blank and no longer being filled up with an attempt of a 'plan' a faint buzz fills her eyes, seems she was so wrapped up in her thoughts she blocked it out. Turning to the source to the sound revealed 5 beams of light under one another of a blue-greenish hue in a doorway, probably to not let her escape. If movies taught her anything, don't touch lasers. If their using it in the place of a door, their not going to be harmless, though it does make her curious to wonder what it would do to her, would it burn her? Blow her hand up? Not that finding out is in her best interest. She rather likes her hand the way it is, intact. Well, there is nothing she can do now but wait for the light to return and eradicated the darkness. Meaning when the lights turn on, she will finally know where she is and hopefully get some answers.

A/N: Read me! 

You may wonder why I have made an alt, well I have thought about changing the story to something much more realistic in the Handplates universe, I may have not mentioned this (which as an author I frankly should have) but this is a fanfiction about the AU comic Handplates, which you should read, as you can guess I love it. But anyway, this will be much more accurate compared to my other chapter 2. Meaning if you do love it, I will continue, if you can tell me it would be wonderful and if none says anything I will continue with this anyway. Speaking of writing this fan fiction I will now be focusing on this one, I have stopped writing for 'A Warm Glow' (if you are for some reason curious read the most recent chapter it will tell you why) so I will be writing for this once more. I will cut my little chat here so I don't talk more than I already have, so with that goodbye and I hope I will see you again.

The link to the Handplates index:

Dark, Darker Yet Darker AU (W.D Gaster Romance)Where stories live. Discover now