The Past

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Dedicated to Yolodude47 for commenting like 5 seconds after I'd posted.



I was now watching myself playing in the shop, with my mum next to me.

'Not this night again,' I thought to myself. 'Any memory but this one'.

I just hoped I didn't have to see her face again. I just hoped not to open those still healing wounds.

But of course, luck had never been on my side because little me turned my head and in my sight came the face of my mother, angelic as I'd always remembered her to be.

"Leo," she said, with food stuffed in her mouth. Little me giggled. I had loved watching my mum work but what I loved most was hearing the sound of her voice, even if it was almost completely muffled by the food.

"Yes mum?" Little me called out but got no reply. Startled and worried, little me spun around and looked for his mum, but she wasn't there.

"Mum!" He shouted out. "Mum, where are you?!" He was crying now, violent tears shaking his whole body. One small part of me wanted to reach out and comfort him but the rest of just wanted to watch and let him suffer for all he had done.

After all, he did kill my mum, didn't he?

I watched and watched as he endured the hours of torture that led up to the penultimate moment of my mother's death. The death I caused.

My face remained stoic but on the inside, I was screaming out for help, for rescue. I was begging for someone to help me from this torturous moment of my life that always replayed and froze in my head.

Just like a broken record.

That's what I am.

A broken useless record.

Spinning and scratching and finally, stopping altogether.

Just breaking.

Leo Valdez - Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now