{8} Communication

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Mark's POV
This was driving me crazy.

Jack had randomly came up to me in the corridor, slapped me and then kissed me, all before walking away and acting like nothing had happened. I was itching to know the truth. Was he ok? Was it just a prank? Did he know that I sober?

I need to find out. I can ask him, but that may seem rude and uncomfortable for him, or completely avoid it. Option two seems a little suspicious though. Nah, fuck it, I'll ask him. Yolo, right?

It was lunch time and I spent most of it in my dorm doing last minute revision for the history test next period. I pretty much finished it all, exited my dorm and saw a flash of green. This is my chance.

Without properly thinking, I grabbed his blue backpack and yanked him into back into the room. He stumbled but managed at the last second to regain his balance.
'Well hello to you too, Mark'.
'Oh shut up'.
'Excuse me?'
'Jack, please. I need to know. Why did you slap me yesterday and then kiss me?'
'You kissed back'.
'That's all the evidence I need'.

I stared at him blankly. Evidence? What did he mean by that? The clogs turned furiously in my brain, trying to find out what he meant by that.

'Hey Markimoo, can I tell you a secret?', he suddenly asked after the minute of silence.
'Sure go ahead', Gulping in fear I spoke. This wouldn't end well.
'When you were drunk at Felix's party, I took you back to your dorm as you cold barely walk. You pushed me up against a wall and kissed me, and then, we fucked'.
I chuckled nervously, heat rushing to my cheeks.
''Hahahaha Sean you're so funny! Good one!'
'Nope I'm genuinely serious. But it's not like it matters, you were drunk'.
I didn't want to argue with him. That could only make it worse.

'Then I found out that you can't drink due to a medical condition'.

He knows.

'Wh-who told you that?'
'Felix did'.
'You know you can't trust that guy, right?'
'Mark, you know that Felix is one of the most honest people ever. And if you weren't drunk, why'd you kiss me back the other day?'

I sighed in defeat. I explained that yes, I fucked him on purpose and that my original plan was to get him super drunk and then take him home and sleep with him so that he wouldn't remember anything. But then, he said that he wasn't going to drink which basically ruined my entire plan and I had to change it last minute.

'Mark, you like me more than a friend?' He questioned.
I bit my lip and nodded. I could see the hesitancy in his eyes. Oh shit he's gonna friend zone me.
'But I thought you were straight?'
'Nope. Never have been. I'm full on gay, but I only chat girls up and go out with them as a cover up. A lot of people in this school are homophobic, you know? Also, that's why Amy and I broke up as I confessed my sexuality. Thankfully, she was fine with it'.

He nodded his head before smiling slightly at me.
'Mark, I um', he began, his voice shaking a little, 'I uh like you too. I considered you just a friend before but I've realised that I really REALLY like you, like a lot'.

My heart warmed up. My crush, the love of my life, likes me back. My dreams have come true!

'Well uhhhhh this is awkward but do you wanna, you know, be more than friends?' I finally gathered the courage to ask. It was risky, but I love him too much.

He smiled at me. 'I- yeah. I would love to be more than friends'. At this time, I only felt pure happiness as we shared our first, non-fake-drunk, non-for-evidence kiss. It wasn't lustful or rough, but sweet and passionate. Perfection.

He lay his head on my shoulder. We were both sitting on my bed, cuddling each other for the rest of lunch- I was extremely lucky to have finally found a four leaf clover, and his name was Sean William McLoughlin.

The moment couldn't get any better. Unfortunately, it could get worse. There was a knock on the door, I stood up to open it before scowling. Mr Harriet (you know that awful that I hate?) was standing there.
'Ah Mark! What a surprise! You bunked my lesson this morning! Since you missed an entire hour of learning, you must make up for it. Here are your extra homework papers, I expect them done by tomorrow'.

I despised the fact that teachers could just knock on your door and talk to you whenever they pleased. I rolled my eyes at him, snatched the paper's out of his hands and was about to slam the door shut.
'Oh hello Sean! I didn't see you there! What are you doing hanging out with this idiot?' Mr Harriet- rather rudely- exclaimed.
'We were just um...studying for our English exam', he stated.
'Oh that's marvellous, but where are your papers for revision?'
'We were just taking a break, actually'.

Mr Harriet finally left, putting his middle finger up at me before disappearing. God, I hated that teacher. How was he not fired already?

I walked back over to Sean, both of us erupting in laughter. 'Well that was a complete lie considering you never revise for anything!' I laughed.
'Hey, you love me', he replied in a joking tone'.

I planted a kiss on his forehead.
'Can't argue with that'.

The end.

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