Lord Please

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A poem or short story by Daniel Bailey (aka) The Danman258

"Lord Please"

    Lord, every morning I read your word, telling myself that you are speaking to me. Knowing that the language I read and speak is flawed with hundreds of synonyms, lending your words to not carry affect with my understanding.

    Lord, the word rock is a solid aggregate of many minerals or mineraloids and yet is used to describe a band. And then used to speak of ages, as I see it, men are taking your words and stripping, bending, and loosening  to replace with unreliable and unusable meanings.

    Lord, they use the word God to call you, yet they call many things God. But I find you are unlike anything on earth, you are all and there is no word to describe the power that created all. There are men who compete against you for my favor, my will and my acknowledgement. Your vision placed in me shows the funny of their deceit.

    Lord I beg for clarity, as I take your word as mine. For as I see it, you loved her first, making her the portal and the only way to this world you've created. As men graft stories of monsters and aliens that come from the stars. But lord, I watch you come in and out of this world through her. Hence, they're campaign to murder you and silence those who carry your truth.

    Oh Lord, you love me, I know this, I feel this, and you show this. And I watch cascades of love, peace, and humidity touches those who turn away from you. Lord I seek understanding of how this came to be. How did we become unplugged, Lord please clarify?

    Lord, as I see it, before the cord was disconnected we had clarity with understanding, power with humidity, and togetherness. And above all we had you.  The tail of an apple taking you from me does not set well in my heart. For much has been lost and nothing gained with this structure of words. Lord please clarify.

    Lord as I walk through the crowded streets in a city that does not honor you. You humble me to your will to speak, and as I speak I see connection. And one connects to another I see a cord unwinding leading to an end to be repluged, Thus clarity.

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