chapter thirty three

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Seokjin POV ~

I plopped my phone down on the ground, not caring if it broke or made a loud noise. I was really ticked off at Jungkook. I wanted to vent to someone, perhaps Taehyung, but I think he just wouldn't understand....

Jimin didn't seem very fond of me when we were at the party. Him seeing me watching them kiss was probably a little creepy anyway. And after Jungkook passed out after getting too drunk, Jimin tried taking away my rights to be beside Jungkook.

I liked him a lot, but as a friend at firsts I began to start getting different feelings for him, but that was before I caught him with his boyfriend. Yeah, you could call me jealous.

I couldn't manage myself to stop thinking about Jungkook and Jimin. He was the only thing on my mind. And that drove me crazy. I headed to the bathroom outside my bedroom and shit the door. I looked inside the cabinet for the razor I usually use for cutting myself...It was not there.

Oh yeah, I remember I had left it in my pocket in my clothes the other day. I went back into my room and looked inside my jeans pocket, finding nothing. What, I could've sworn I had it in my pocket....Where the heck did it go??

Now I was even more mad because I couldn't find the one thing that made me feel less nervous and angry and scared. I already had to deal with Hoseok and his minions treating me like shit, and now I have my best friend with his boyfriend, and I caused him to leave me. It's all my fault. I can't do anything right, I swear.

I fell back into my bed and let myself sink into it. I looked up at the ceiling for a straight 5 minutes before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

"Seokjin, seokjin...Jinnie, wake up!"

My eyes fluttered open to my older brother Taehyung leaning over me. I was in the same spot on my bed that I was earlier. I sat up as Taehyung started talking. "There's a package for you on the front porch. I brought it inside for you, it is on the counter in the kitchen."

I headed downstairs, still very tired from my relaxing nap. There was a messily crumpled chunk of newspaper coated in masking tape on the counter. Confused, I ripped it open to find a razor blade inside. There was a note beside it. It read;

Dear Seokjin,

I found this in your room the other day. I would say that I'm shocked, but honestly, I'm not after you almost slit your throat at the party. It's too bad you cut yourself, Seokjin. I'm sorry. About everything. But I'm pretty sure you won't accept any apologies right now, or maybe ever. So, goodbye for now.
- jungkook

The first thing that came to my mind was, How did he find that in my room? Snooping isn't a nice thing to do... But now I know that I have my razor back. And no, I am still not in the mood to accept his lame apology. He shouldn't be sorry, I should. But I just can't.

A/N : I'm sorry this was such a short chapter, omg...It's just a quick Jin POV filler to keep you guys posted and keep these updates going frequently. There will be more Yugyeom x Seokjin drama and Jungkook x Jimin drama as well, so be ready....! Thanks for reading ❤️

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