chapter thirty seven

717 51 13

Hoseok POV ~

I've called them gay. So many times. Jungkook is openly gay, and I've been so fucking rude to him about it. There's nothing wrong with LGBTQ+, is there? I don't think there is. So why the fuck do Jungkook and Seokjin deserved to get treated like shit by me? I don't know, honestly. That's all my damn fault, and everyone knows it.

When I trip somebody in the halls, or throw someone's lunch on the ground in the cafeteria, I always thought people were....admiring me. People obviously aren't admiring me for the shit I do. They're just watching because everyone else is. The whole damn room goes silent.

None of these people deserve the shit I've done to them. For some reason, Jungkook's made me realize that. I don't have any fucking idea how I can fix any of this. But I'm not very worried about that at the moment.

In Freshman year, me and Jungkook were pretty close. We didn't know each other in eighth grade, or anytime before that. We were from different middle schools coming to the same high school, so we didn't know each other. He told me he was gay the first day we met, since he's so open about it.

A while later into the school year, I was having a hard time...I mean, I didn't know if I liked guys or girls, or maybe both. I thought about it more and more and eventually opened up to Jungkook, telling him that I might be bisexual.

I don't quite know if I still think I'm bisexual anymore. I don't have any crushes on guys. I have crushes on girls though. Why be bisexual if I'm just gonna end up dating a girl anyway....? Sometimes this stuff confuses me.

But point is, Jungkook really hit a sensitive spot when he brought that shit up....about my possible sexuality and all. But I never actually realized until now that I give him shit for him being gay. I'm such a hypocrite, dammit! I hate myself sometimes, but I don't get how those goth people try committing suicide. It just doesn't make sense, y'know?

I realized now that it's been 15 minutes straight of me thinking about random sentimental shit and all this. I haven't even been reading the book that's been open in front of me on the same page, just sitting there. Eh, it's not like I care about grades anyway. Who gives a fuck.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat, throwing my bag over my shoulder. I sped out of the room, leaving my paper and books on my desk. Like I said, I don't honestly care about school. I rushed down the hallway through the crowd of walking students, and saw Jungkook's head throughout all the others. I shoved through people to catch up with him.

"Jungkook, wait up..." I called, running up to his side. He glared over at me, clearly confused why I wanted him to wait up.

"What the fuck do you want." Jungkook demanded to know. Damn, he's feisty today.

"I just wanted to know..." I started. The hallway started to clear out, because people were getting to their next classes. "If you told anybody that I might be..."

"Bisexual?" Jungkook cut me off, talking rather loud. I elbowed him on his shoulder since somebody could've heard us.... "Quiet down..!" I whispered harshly.

"No way! I'm not gonna quiet down if you keep harassing Seokjin! Cut the shit, or I will tell everyone that you're bisexual!" Jungkook said.

"I'm not bisexual, I told you that I was thinking about it. Plus, that was years ago! How do you know if I've changed my mind!?" I asked, getting quite angry.

"I don't need to know if you changed your mind."

"So you're saying you're gonna tell everyone I'm bisexual, even if I'm actually not???"

"If that's what it has to come to." Jungkook stated, walking away to his next class.

"What the fuck, man???" I screamed at him across the hallway, suuuuper pissed. Somebody grabbed me on the shoulder and turned me around.

Oh great, it was the principal. Just fucking great.

"Get to class, Mr. Jung. And I'll see you after school, for your language usage." He said, pointing the classroom down the hall. I huffed and went into my class and plopped down in the back desk.

I hate school so fricken much.

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