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"Lance, man, c'mon, you're gonna be late again! Get up, i made food!" Yelled lances extremely sunny roommate outside of his door, who right after walked to the kitchen.

"Uuugh. Yeah, okay." groaned Lance, slowly sitting up. He ran his hands through his messy brown hair and stood up, making his way out of his room to the kitchen after Hunk. He groggily leaned on the counter next to the plate of... whatever the hell Hunk made for them. He picked up a fork off the counter and poked the yellow saucy food. "um, what is this?" he said to hunk, raising his eyebrow as he watched the dish jiggle.

"It's called eggs benedict. Its delicious, and you WILL eat it, or else i'm taking apart your hair straightener," Hunk said this in a MUCH too smug tone.

"you evil, evil man..." Lance glared at him and took a bite. "Hmmm, creamy, soft. Hm, buuut the yolk is a bit overcooked. I give this dish an 8/10. Good job my big hunky friend." He gave Hunk a quick thumbs up before grabbing the plate and going back to his room. He finished the strange dish and ran to the bathroom to get ready. He glanced at the clock on the bathroom wall. It read 6:23. Shit. Classes start at 7:10, there wasn't enough time for him to pamper himself and straighten his hair like he does on other mornings. He sighed and rinsed his face off with cold water and ran a comb through his slightly curly hair, and went back to his room to get dressed.

He walked into his room, closing the door behind him. He went to his closet and spent a good 10 minutes finding the perfect shirt to go with his ripped light wash jeans and grey high tops. He finally decided on a black hoodie with (fashionable) holes all over it. He then went to his mirror to admire the outfit in all of its Glory.

His admiring was interrupted by a knock on his door. It was opened half a second later by an irritated Hunk.

"Alright Prince Charming, enough looking at yourself. We gotta go."

"Yeah, yeah, alright." He turned and walked through the door after Hunk, who had been dressed for over an hour already.

As Hunk was locking the front door, he decided to start a conversation.

"So, Lance," he pulled the key out of the door and started down the apartment stairs, Lance following shortly after him,"When are you gonna talk to that Keith guy? Or whatever his name is."

Lance almost tripped down the stairs, but caught himself. He gave Hunk a quick nervous chuckle, "H-Hah, why would I talk to him? I totally hate that guy..." They reached the bottom of the stairs and Hunk stopped, put his hands on his hips and stared at Lance.

"Lance, I'm not dumb. You changed the route we drive home so you can see him walking, you made me start going to the gym at a different time so you could see him there, and don't think I don't see the way you look at him in the cafeteria. You get all blushy and nervous. I just have the sliiiiightest hunch that you might like the guy." He crossed his arms at Lance, who just walked past him to his little blue car his mom got for him on his 16th birthday.

"Yeah, okay. I do enjoy occasionally looking at him...." He unlocked the car door and the two got in.

They buckled up and Lance started driving.

Hunk looked at Lance. " 'Occasionally'," he mocked, using air quotes.

"Okay, so maybe I do like him. It's not a big deal..."

"Never said it's was," Hunk said shruggingly.

" Is it really that obvious?"


Lance sighed and pulled into a parking space near campus.

"Look Lance, all I'm saying is if you like him so much from a distance, you'll like him even more up close. You should talk to him today."

" No, no way."

" Dude, yes. You two would be so cute together."

A light blush spread across Lance's face as he thought about him and Keith being together. "....Okay, but, Keith doesn't even know who I am. If I just randomly walk up to him and start a conversation, he's gonna think I'm weird. What if he thinks I'm a stalker. What if he thinks I'm some creepy annoying guy who just stalks him all the time? What if he's completely weirded out and he hates my guts. What am I gonna do then?" He pulled the keys out of the ignition and put his head on the steering wheel.

"Lance, buddy, calm down," Hunk rubbed Lance's back sympathetically. " It'll be fine. Everybody likes you."

Lance sat up and Hunk took his hand away. " Yeah, right. Everybody who? You and Mr. C?"

"Um, try, all of your teachers, the entirety of the Voltron University drama program, everyone on the news paper. Lance, Keith will fall madly in love with you as soon as you say, 'Hi, I'm Lance, I like your mullet.' "

Lance laughed and playfully slapped Hunk on the arm. "Okay, okay... I'll talk to him." He unbuckled and they both got out, said goodbye, and then made their separate ways to their morning classes.


Eggs Benedict: a delicious egg dish. Poached eggs on an English muffin covered in yellow hollandaise sauce.

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