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After the few classes he had that morning, Lance walked into the small room where the campus newspaper was made. When he walked in he was greeted by his close friend Allura, a girl with platinum silver hair that perfectly contrasts with her dark skin. 

"Hello Lance," She greeted him with a smile.

A smirk grew on Lances face as he picked up Allura's hand in his. "Why, hello, princess," He said and then smugly kissed her hand. This action was followed by a scoff from Allura as she pulled her hand away and wiped it in her high waisted shorts. 

Lance looked at her and pulled a fake pout to wich she chuckled at.

"Lance, I need you to go take pictures of the dance team today. Can you do that?" she asked with hands on her hips.

Lances fake pout quickly turned to a determined smile . He stood up straight and answered. "Why of course I can. Where at?"

"Oh, right." She turned around and found a pad of sticky notes. Pulling out a sparkly pink pen from her pocket, she jotted down the room number and handed the note to Lance. "Here you go. Its by the gym equipment room, you can't miss it."

Lance nodded eagerly. "What kind of shots?"

" Well, I want you to get a good group photo, and then some pictures of them just dancing. Maybe get specific people shots too. Sound alright?"

"Yeah, I think I can handle that. I'll be back soon, see ya!" Lance waved to her before grabbing his camera bag and heading to the room that she had written down for him.

It took lance about 10 minutes to find where he was supposed to go, but he did it. He stood in front of the door of the room and stared at it for second.  Had he been in this room before?

After thinking for a few moments he slowly opened the door and peered in. There was loud pop music filling the large gymnasium-like room that a group of people stretched to. He looked around and his gaze met a group of 5 people doing warm ups, being led by... Keith Kogane. Lance couldnt help but stare. His black mullet was pulled up into a small pony tail that paired well with the maroon tank top and black yoga pants he was wearing. Keith was standing talking to someone, until the someone looked in Lances direction, which Keith did as well. Their eyes met. Lance felt a blush crawl over his face as Keith turned and started walking towards him. Lance couldn't move. He was frozen in place, holding the strap of his camera bag in a death grip until Keith stopped in front of the taller boy.

"Hi. Uh, Lance right?"

Lance was suddenly pulled out of his frozen trance.

Keith Kogane knows me?

Lance couldnt manage to say anything, but he gave Keith a confused look.

Keith must have understood what it meant because he responded very quickly afterwards.

"I saw the play last week, i heard your name at the end. You guys did really good. Uh... I'm keith." he gave lance the slightest hint of a smile.

"Yeah I know."

Crap why did I say that

"Wait- I-i...i mean, i dont like, stalk you or anything uh- I'm not weird i swear. I just- you-"

"Alot of people know who I am, don't worry. So why are you here?"

He excitedly gripped the strap of the camera bag once more and gave Keith an eager smile. "I'm from the newspaper, we're doing an article on certain team sports we have in the school, and I'm here to take pictures."

Keith nodded, "I'll let you do that then." He turned and went back to the group he was in before.

Lance took the camera out of it's bag and set it up correctly. By the time he had it together, different music started playing and people had started to dance in a specific pattern. Lance held up his camera and started snapping pictures, many focussed on one person in particular. One person who outshined all the others in the group. One person with a cute black ponytail.

Their dance routine ended, and thats when lance realized he should probably head back to Allura. He slipped out of the door unnoticed after putting his camera away and made his way back to the paper room.

Hullo all, i appologize if none of this makes sense, it's almost 3 am.

So yeah i finally updated!! Its a short chapter!!! I appologize!!!!!

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