Chapter 10 ~ Abduction...

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"Dude, just come here. Okay, this is really bad, the criminals started moving. Rayne, they are here so move your ass and come here right now. We have to think of something before it gets bad. Really bad!"


"Okay, I got it! I'll be there in a moment" Then he finished the call before turning and facing his mate. When his eyes landed on her, he could see the curiosity in her eyes but she didn't comment on it.

After the call, Gabriella knew that something was going on. She wanted to ask if everything was alright but decided against it. It wasn't in her right, was it? Gabriella was still confused by the events that had just happened. They were about to kiss yet he hadn't said anything that could hint any type of romantic feelings towards her.

 Does he like me? If we had kissed, what would have happened next? Thoughts like those crossed Gabriella's mind while they were heading to her house. Rayne had offered to take her there but even if she wanted to refuse, she couldn't. The beach was way  too far and she didn't own a car. Not that she had planned on refusing, anyways.

Rayne was also deep in thoughts. He was thinking about the criminals. Their identity was still unknown, and their objective as well. Were they the same people who killed his brother or were they unrelated to that case? Were they aiming for him or for his mate? No! He shook his head. They can't go after her! Not before dealing with me first!

After twenty minutes or so, Gabriella's phone started ringing. It was a text from Maria. Apart from some beautiful words such as Nerdy Gabby, idiot  or my disgrace of a sister, Maria had asked her to fetch a dress and some sandals she had ordered before  from a shop they had in town.

"Rayne?" She asked after reading the text.

"Um, yeah?"

"Could you please stop the car, I have to make some things before I go home."

"Some things? Where? I can take you."

"No! I mean, you seem to be in a hurry. I can't let you be late to-"

"Gabriella, it's fine. Really. Just tell me where it is."

"Bu- but" Gabriella started saying but she stopped when she saw the you-won't-convince-me-no-matter-what-you-do expression on Rayne's face. Then she sighted and said. "Okay, fine. Could you please take me to G-trend. You know where it is, don't you?"

"Yep." He said popping the p. Then he sent her a smile and started making his way to said fashion shop.


Ten minutes and a mini argument after, Gabriella had finally convinced Rayne to going to his important meeting. He wanted to stay with her till she finished then take her home. He was really stubborn but Gabriella didn't give up. When he finally made sure that the errand wasn't going to take that long, he reluctantly agreed to leave her there.

After an awkward goodbye, Gabriella was now in front of G-trend. That shop was beyond popular. Every girl had to own one of their articles and even Gabriella had a few hanging on her closet. This could only mean one thing.

The place was full of people.

Gabriella, being the antisocial person she is, instantly felt a wave of insecurity wash through her. And there goes the social phobia. She sarcastically thought about her miserable condition. She couldn't understand why she was so scared of people. They haven't done anything wrong to her yet she was there, scared of facing them.

Moreover, the contrast between when she was accompanied with Rayne and when she was alone was too drastic. With him, she felt confident, as if she had never had this social phobia. However, now that she was alone, she couldn't help herself but to feel like everyone was watching and judging her every single move. From time to time she would turn to her left, then to her right to make sure that no one was following her.

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