"Where's Mommy?"

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A little girl wandered in the woods, her face not seen. She wore a white dress that was ripped and torn. Her black hair hung limp at her sides, covering her face.

She approached a group of people, not saying a word. The group of what seemed to be teenagers stopped talking to look at her. When they had taken in her appearance, they soon grew worried.

Quickly, they rushed over to the little girl, bombarding her with questions.

"Are you ok?"
"What happened?"
"Where are your parents?"
"Did someone do this?"

She just continued to stare at the ground. Staying silent.

Until all of sudden, her words pierced through the air, like an arrow.

"Where's Mommy?"

All stopped. It was like time itself stood still. The teens stayed quiet, not knowing how to reply. The girl looked up, now showing her pure black eyes. Once again she spoke.

"Do you know where Mommy is?"

Still, the teens stayed quiet, looking at her with curious eyes.
She looked at the group with anger written all over her face. A growl resounded in the air, a low rumble that coursed throughout her small, frail body.

The group backed up nervously, putting space between them and the now growling girl. The leader of the group, who seemed around 18, pulled a kunai out of a pouch placed on his right leg, and stood defensively in front of the others. The girl snarled at him, then lunged.

She quickly bit his arm that was holding the kunai and he dropped the knife. A black liquid seeped out her mouth, spreading on his arm. He pried her off, holding his arm that now dangled helplessly by his side.

The dark liquid entered the bite wound and seeped into his blood stream. His veins soon turned dark as he started coughing. The rest of the group stood by his side as he fell to the ground, still coughing. The mysterious girl just stood by watching all this happen.

Hey! That's the end of this chapter! Just keep in mind that this is my first story/fanfic so please don't hate!

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