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Here on my arm lies a mark that I made
When I was so low I cut with a blade
I remember I used to love the pain
And when it had stopped, I would do it again

Now I will see and remember that I was so broken
I want to take back all the lies I've spoken
"If I broke down and loose all control would you know how to handle me?"

I'm sad
I'm lonely
I'm broken
I'm complicated

I look myself in the mirror,
I ask myself if I am worth living
Because everything is becoming clearer from the beginning
"Should I be existing?"

You only see who I let you see
But what about the real me?
I am the girl who never seems to get anything right
The girl who could break down anytime
And have no clue why

For a little while, they get buried away
But the pain and tears always find their way back to me.

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