"The Real Heroes"

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The sun had risen up softly. Bird's chirped happily as they played in the sky around the neighborhood. Ruby smiled happily in her sleep as she cuddled into the giant softly. Someone pushed her away as she woke up softly and yawned cutely. She rubbed her eyes looking around only to see Neo happily cuddle him. Ruby went over and tried to move her only to be hissed at as Ruby backed away only to growl a bit. She smirked grabbing her Scythe as she ran fast and grabbed Neo throwing her over the bed. Neo fell over and pouted as she smirked and walked back only to fall off the bed. Ruby climbed on top of him and sat on his chest as she giggled and kissed his cheek softly. "Wake up sleepy head~!" Ruby cheerfully said. He groaned a bit and opened his eyes softly seeing Ruby giggled and waved at him.

(Y/n) yawned waking up as he made breakfast. He made lots of Eggs, Bacon, Pancakes, Sausage, and a big cup of Orange Juice. Ruby saw as he made the food as her mouth watered. He smiled and set the giant breakfast plate on the Living Room table as the Chibi gang woke up to the delicious, giant, steamy food. They ran over happily eating and drinking. "Well I'll be going now." he said grabbing his back pack. "What? Where you going?" Ruby asked innocently. "I have school, I'll be back later." he said setting her down gently with everyone else. "Cant you skip a day?" she asked using her puppy eyes. "I skipped yesterday. Besides it might be dangerous for you. Here. You guys can watch your show." he said grabbing the remote as Ruby watched and ate a little. He pressed the play button and left as he locked the house and caught up to the bus fast.

Everyone watched as they saw the intro. Their eyes lit up happily seeing their counterparts look amazing as they did real fights and actually go to school.
(Their watching RWBY Volume 1 to 4)
They smiled happily. (Y/n) walked into School and smiled. He went to his locker grabbing some books as he went into class. The teacher told the students to turn to their last page on their history book.
(Y/n) reached into his back pack only to feel something hold onto his finger. He lifted his hand up seeing Neo happily wave to him as she jumped off and onto his desk. "What are you doing here!?" he whispered as Neo held up a sign. "[Spending time with you~!"] she smiled and giggled blushing. He blushed a bit and sighed. "Fine just don't leave my side." he said looking at her. "[Wouldn't dream of it cutie~]" she held another sign. She jumped into the pocket in his shirt and giggled. The bell rang as everyone left the class. (Y/n) got up and went about his day as Neo would give him a small hug or try and kiss his cheek. Lunch began as he sat alone bringing out a sandwich. He smiled giving Neo a potato chip as she happily ate it.
"Hey (Y/n)!" a girl said happily. Neo looked over seeing a girl with long blonde hair as her skin glowed with the sun. Neo pouted and growled seeing this. Another girl came over as a male did as well. "Whats with the alone time dude?" the male asked. "Oh I'm just, tired." he smiled nervously. The brought they're food trays over and ate with him happily. (Y/n) smiled and laughed as Neo pouted wanting his attention.

School soon ended as (Y/n) walked back home. Neo climbed out jumping onto his face as she pecked his cheek softly. He blushed red and continued to walk as Neo had won the battle. He walked into his house hearing nothing but tears and sobs. Both Neo and (Y/n) looked seeing everyone cry. "That was so beautiful!" Sun said sobbing. Yang blew her nose into a giant tissue. Blake hid her face crying. Weiss and Ruby hugged each other crying. Cinder wiped her tears a bit. Roman cried the most as he ate some eggs. "I was eaten by a bird!" he cried out. Nora cried and held herself. "That hammer looks better than mine!" she cried out and sniffed. (Y/n) looked at Neo as she simply shrugged confused.

Everyone had fallen back asleep after dinner. He smiled and laid Neo down with everyone. Ruby smiled and giggled in her sleep. Who knows what shes dreaming about, but she does look cute. He shook the thought away and smiled heading up stairs. He laid in bed happily. "Need help sleeping?" he looked up seeing Yang on top of his head as she giggled. "I'm good honestly I am." he said shutting his eyes tired. "Well your getting my help anyways." she smirked jumping off and cuddled into him happily. He blushed a bit and slept. Yang smirked kissing his cheek and cuddled him.

To Be Continued...

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