Part 2

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Last night was forced to cancel a scheduled presentation at UC Berkeley and be evacuated as. Regardless of how you feel about his views or the tone of his presentations, as Satanists we should be wary of this rising tide of violence against freedom of expression and speech.

We recognize that our own views and philosophical works are not of the masses and can be easily taken out of context and used as justification for persecution. During the Satanic Panic we were called every derogatory term under the sun, from child & animal killers to neo-fascists, regardless of our actual stances on respect for children and animals and upholding individualism and evaluating peers by "merit not inherit".

Just as Satanists wouldn't burn bookswe read them and intelligently critique their contentwhen speakers are offered a platform, whether they are controversial or popular, there are civilized ways to offer discourse, criticism and alternative perspectives. Examining ideas is central to our philosophy, so that we can rationally select which to embrace and which to reject. To quote Stefan Molyneux: "Those who make conversations impossible, make escalation inevitable."

—Reverend M. Hunter

Posted on Tuesday November 29, 2016


If you want to look really stupid, just try linking Satanism to this #pizzagate nonsense.

This old video of Ted Gunderson has resurfaced and people who live in a "post-fact" world are passing it on as some kind of smoking gun. Luckily for the non-brain dead among us this has been well documented as a load of crap. Ted Gunderson of course, , whom the described as someone who "

In , Gunderson talks of links between the Illuminati, pedophilia and Satanism. This is as based in reality as his belief that aliens flew UFO's to earth to give US Government the cure to Down Syndrome but the government is withholding it from people as a form of population control. .

Let's run down the list:

Illuminati? No. The only documented Illuminati that has ever existed, .

Pedophilia? No. Not only is harming children specifically forbidden in our , but also, while Satanism has always explicitly condoned all forms of sexual expression, it has always been only to those . When it comes to pedophilia, and made continued long-term efforts covering up their crimes while allowing continued abuse of children under their supervision. The Christians must own that one and this continued deflection is as transparent as their holy water—and just as useless.

As to Gunderson's overall schtick, that's been debunked repeatedly. Here's into all of Gunderson's abuse and kidnapping claims showing they were completely baseless and not a single victim could ever be identified. Shock TV host Geraldo Rivera, who trumpeted much of this madness, even .

That was in 1995. So, if today—more than 20 years later—you believe and parrot any of these fallacies you are broadcasting to the world that you are not only a simpleton, but a gullible idiot as well.

Reverend Joel Ethan

Posted on Tuesday November 15, 2016



Most people today know this—the feeling evoked when watching someone make a fool out of themselves while just sitting back to watch the whole thing play out as it's so amusing. We the audience know there's a trap, but the fall guy walks right into it. That's why shows like were so popular in their day, and why clips from rack up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. It's harmless fun and everyone laughs at the end about how silly the whole thing was—and are thankful the joke wasn't on them.

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