Part 11

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Registered Membership in the Church of Satan

We don't solicit memberships; however, if you wish to join us to show your support or appreciation you can become a Registered Member. For a one-time registration fee of two hundred dollars in United States currency, you will receive an embossed crimson card declaring you a member of the Church of Satan. This card is your means for identifying yourself as a genuine member of the Church of Satan to other members. If you expect to meet another member for the first time, be prepared to produce your card. Likewise, you may be expected to produce a scan of your card to certify your membership to other members online. We suggest that you keep your card in a safe place and only take it with you if you think you might have a genuine need to produce it.

Anton LaVey established a fundamental "house rule" governing our members' obligation towards each other. The Church of Satan functions as a mutual admiration society, a refreshing change from the climate of back-biting and disrespect that is rampant in society. Thus, those who affiliate are not required to like, appreciate, or praise one another—which should be expected with an association of wildly diverse individuals, however they must refrain from publicly attacking or antagonizing each other. Additionally, since membership in this organization is strictly private, members may not "out" other members who have chosen to remain underground. Violating these dictums is grounds for self-disaffiliation or formal expulsion. Please read this essay for an in-depth explanation.

... those who affiliate are not required to like, appreciate, or praise one another... however they must refrain from publicly attacking or antagonizing each other."

No further dues will be expected. There are no further obligations. You must be legally an adult in your nation of residence. See our for clarification of this issue. Carefully follow the instructions on the to become a Registered Member.

If you represent yourself as affiliated with the Church of Satan, you are legally required to register with us as a member. In addition to the Registration Fee paid in the manner you've selected from the , all applicants must submit their signed and dated Registration Statement via postal mail only—electronic facsimiles are not acceptable. Finally a photocopy or scan of your state or government issues photo ID is required to prove your identity, address and age. A printout may be sent via postal mail along with the Registration Statement or you may email the scanned image to .

Once you have received your registration packet (sent via postal mail), you may request to be included in our E-Bulletin List (the mailing schedule for this is "as needed") so you can receive announcements pertinent to your affiliation. Send an e-mail to us asking to be added to the list, along with a scan of your signed membership card. Members who joined earlier and who are new to online communications should follow the same procedure. We also suggest that you follow us on as well, where we announce updates to our and where our High Priest posts brief observations now and then. Magus Gilmore and Magistra Nadramia are also on Twitter, but only accept requests from people whom they know personally to be followers.


If you are considering affiliation with the Church of Satan solely for the purpose of group activities, we suggest that you reconsider. Affiliation must primarily be a result of philosophical agreement, not the desire for socializing. Satanists are not a huddling flock of sheep in wolves' clothing.

All of our articulate members are encouraged to represent Satanism in whatever appropriate situations may arise, but they do not officially speak for the Church of Satan unless they are members of the representational hierarchy, which is our Priesthood, or have been granted Agent status. . Those who have been bestown honorary degrees are not official spokespersons.

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