Hiring Secretary

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Richard never talked to anyone ever again he'll just talk to you if u asked him a very important question.....He's father is so worried to him coz maybe that will be the reason for him to not win the presedencial.....So his father think of something else....He think if he hire him a secretary that will change him, to bring back the real him joyful, talkative, and respectful.....Not like now mysterious, quite, and rude......So he spread the news that his hiring a secretary for his son Richard......

Sarah's Life
Sarah is a poor and really need a money.....Bcoz her father is working in a factory but when the time her father died they bacame poor and homeless.....Her mother is suffering from illness that we can call cancer.....She has a 4 siblings and she is the oldest among them.....So when she heard the news she went fast as she can in the mansion of Richard's Family......

All the candidates try to talk or say hi to Richard but his not even replying any words to them in fact his just ignoring them and being rude to his father......Then its Sarah's turn.....

Mr Lee:Am so Sarah right??
Sarah:Yeah that's me
Richard notice her dirty and ugly dress...
Richard:Why the hell you dress like that??
Sarah:Because im not rich just like what you expect!!
Richard became speechless.....Richard's father is impressed to her braveness and her rudeness to his son and also he notice that among the candidates he interviewed Sarah is the only one who Richard notice....So he decide that Sarah is the "ONE" who will change his son.....

Mr Lee:Ok candidates I have made my decission, the secretary that I've choose wisely is.......Sarah Dela Cruz.....
Sarah:Really??I mean thanks
Mr Lee:Lets talk to my office....

At the office Sarah and Mr Lee talked....

Mr Lee:I hire you as my sons secretary not just to fulfill his commands but just to change him too....Bring back the real him..
Sarah:Bring him back like how??
Mr Lee:Like not Mysterious, Quite, Rude....I want you to bring him back like Joyful, Talkative, Respectful.....Bcoz that's what he really is.....
Sarah:I'll try my best sir....But what if I bring him back like what he is how much will you give to me??
Mr Lee:$100,000,000,000
Sarah:For Real!!
Mr Lee:And please dont let him know that I planed all of this...
Sarah:Will do!!
Mr Lee:You can start tommorow....

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