The Apologize

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In the morning after the day happened.....Richard went to his office quickly.....Richard is looking for Sarah but she no where to find.....

Richard:Were is that rat girl...aughhh she's stressing me out....

Then not of a sudden Sarah came in her office "She's Late"

Sarah:Im sorry I was just slept long....Sorry again
Richard:How can you sleep well when ur sleeping in the street....
Sarah:Huh! It may be rough, it may be hard.....But atleast I can still smell the fresh air not like you ur sleeping in a smooth, a soft bed but ur not even inhalating the fresh air.....So if ur done talking you can just sign here so I can bring it early and not late in ur father...
Richard:You can bring it early if u went here early and not late...
Sarah:I can bring it early if u will sign here now!!...

Then when Sarah went in Richard's father's office Mr Lee notice her fore head has a band aid.....

Mr Lee:What happened in ur fore head??
Sarah:Oh its nothing
Mr Lee:Is it bcoz of my son??
Sarah:Yes, but Mr Lee im not giving up to ur son I promise I will change him....
Mr Lee:If you say so...

Then Richard saw Sarah eating a Fries and an Ice cream....

Richard:Why are you eating that thing??
Sarah:Aughh....what whenever I ate this two food I feel comfortable and freshed....

Then Sarah turn her back to Richard....

Then its night now its time for Sarah to go home.....But their is no vichle passing through their and the Richard saw her....

Richard:You cant find any taxi?? Why dont you ride with me??
Sarah:Oh no im fine I would rather wait than to ride with you...
But richard is still waiting for her to ride to his car.....Then suddenly the rain fall down from the sky so hard....
Richard:Come ride with me I'll drive you home??
Then the lightning attacked and the thunder roars.....Sarah get shocked and immediately ride on Richard's car.....

Richard:I told I'll drive you home...
Sarah:Huh! Thanks...
Richard:Oh first of all I want to apologize for my rudeness to you im sorry....
Sarah:Its fine I already forgive you....
Then they arrive in Sarah's home....

Richard:Are you sure you and ur family will be safe here in the street??
Sarah:Yeah it happened to us many times.....Thanks for the concern....
Richard:Ok see u tomorrow....

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