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Eun Jung's POV

The silence filled up the whole room. Why are they here? Why did they call me here? This is so awkward. I looked at taehyung sitting in front of me, he's just smiling at me like a complete idiot.

"A-ahem! Mr.Principal? What is this meeting all about? Why did you call us here?" I said, breaking the silence. What? I don't want to waste my time waiting for them to start the talking.

"Ah! yeah! I almost forgot. The school's 30th anniversary is coming soon," He paused, " And I want you guys to perform for the said anniversary. "

"huh? us? But sir, didn't they just transferred here? And what kind of performance should we do? Also, why do I have to perform with these guys?" I asked. They're a new face here. Why would they have to perform? There are so many students that can perform for the anniversary so why us? Why me? 

"Ms. Kim, whether they just transferred or not doesn't matter. What matters here is that somebody can perform. I heard these guys are very famous in gwangju dance underground. Some also said that they are good at rapping and singing too. They also compose songs, right?"  I looked at the boys. They do look like a dancers. 

"Well, we're not really that good hahaha," The guy smiled, showing his deep dimples. He's cute.

"Aigoo So humble. You guys will perform right?" 

"Of course. We don't have a reason not to." Hoseok said. 

"Excuse me, but why do I have to perform too? " I have no idea why do I have to perform. If those guys are that good then why? why do I have to perform with them? I'm not even that good at dancing.

"Your your friend and brother suggested that you can be the lead singer for this performance. They do need a female partner." My eyes widened. 

"Lead singer? I'm not even good at----" I stopped when I heard my own voice, singing. I looked to see taehyung holding his phone, showing me a video of myself singing and dancing in my room. How?

"Yah! Where did you get that video?! Who--" 

"Your brother," and he smiled. "You're quite good to perfectly hit the high note and it's amazing how you danced smoothly." 

" Still, I won't perform with you guys," I said and left the office. Kim fuckin' Seokjin! You're dead!

"Hey, Eun Jung! Wha--"

How can he do this to me? Recording that shit. Oh my god! That is just so embarrassing! I looked like a fool! Dancing smoothly? Quite good? Hell I won't forgive him just because he praised me!

"Yah! Won't you look--"

After a few walk, I finally reached the clinic. The moment I stepped inside, Jin was already smiling like an idiot. Looks like he's been waiting for me.


"YAH!!!!!" I grabbed his ears and get it close to my mouth yelled, "WHY DID YOU FUCKIN' GIVE THEM THAT VIDEO?!!" He quickly covered his ears with his hands.

"Yah!! That hurts! Geez, I feel like I'm going deaf! Aish! It's just that they're looking for a female vocalist. You're good at singing, right? You can also dance better than me, right? I just thought that you'd like to be in their group. You don't have much friend in--" He stopped, realizing what he's saying. He's right, I don't really have much friend in this school. Even though, It's been 5 years since I started going in this school. I'm not a sociable person, I don't like approaching someone first. I'm only known for being the dongsaeng of  the most handsome nurse in this school. 

"Still! You should consider my feelings! Whether I'd like to perform in front of many students or I can last a day with those guys! Or If I would be embarrassed if you gave them that video! "  

"Yeah yeah mian. But I would be really happy If you'll perform with them. I just want you to have more friends that you can hang out with." 

"I appreciate the thought but," 

"Yah! No but's! It's a great opportunity to mingle with handsome guys!" It's Ha Rin. She's always like this when it comes to handsome guys -_- 

"Yah yah! Let me remind you that you already have a boyfriend! When did you get here by the way?"  

"I've been following you but you can't even spare me a glance. You looked like you're gonna kill someone earlier. And! I know that I have a boyfriend! It's not me but you who need to mingle with those guys. They all seem like nice guys anyway. Don't you think so too? Jin oppa?" Jin oppa? Since when did he let anyone else call him 'oppa' besides me?

"Y-yeah..Please Eun Jung! Perform with them! I want to see you having many friends too. Even though they're all guys." I scratched my head. Should I do it? I-It's still embarrassing to perform in front of many people but..

"Well, I guess I lose. I think you guys are right, I should mingle with other people instead of locking myself in my own room. I'm almost out of otome games to play anyway."  Yeah, Mystic messenger is the only otome game I haven't played yet. 

"Good choice! Now, go back to the office and talk to the principal." Jin smiled and pushed me out of the clinic. 

"Alright alright! Stop pushing me! I can walk on my own!" 


boring asf😂😂😂  Again, I'm sorry if there's any typos or grammatical error✌✌

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