Come In and Welcome To This World

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Come In and Welcome to This World

Come in and welcome to this world,

where things aren't as there seen,

there is no hope,only dope,and everyone's a fiend.

In this world it's hard to live,

everyone wants to take,refusing the gift to give.

courteousy and respect are non existent,

as is anything of those kind,

Just the actions like primitive monkeys swinging from vines.

Come in and welcome to this world.

You'll get what you want,but do you want it in the end,

left with nothing,but some fake freinds.

When it's all said and done,was it really fun,

in this world your playing with a loaded gun.

Where it's out with the old,and in with the young,

where you smoke it,snort it,inject it,or place it on your tongue.

Come in and welcome to this world.

In the glamour of it all,your bound to fall.

In the wind,the fire breathing sin.

It's selfish waters flood you,to care only for yourself,

wrap you In gold and put you on a shelf.

You've been cuaght in it's trap,in this world that has no map.

There is no right or wrong,just you trying to stay strong,

so come along.

Come In and Welcome to This World..

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2010 ⏰

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