t h r e e.

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March 1st, 2014
6.30 pm. Grant yawned and rubbed his eyes, tired from going over his lines repeatedly throughout the day. Tomorrow was going to be the first day shooting for 'The Flash', and he was anxious as ever. Although he had learned all his lines by heart, he couldn't help but feel nervous, as this was his first project with him being the main character. "Maybe I should take a break," he thought to himself, "I wonder how Candice is doing..."

Grant: hey, what are you up to?
Candice: not much...just been going through my lines the entire day...what about you?

He chuckled. "Wow, what a coincidence."

Grant: yeah, I've been going through my lines all day as well
Candice: seriously?😂
Grant: haha you bet
Candice: I'm just so nervous...I mean, this character is just so iconic...I just hope I do her justice😕
Grant: Don't worry...you'll do just fine!
Candice: yeah, but have you seen what people have been saying online?

He sighed and shook his head in response. Candice didn't deserve this treatment from fans, or "fans". It was all because she was black and was casted to play a character who was originally white in the comics.

Grant: hey, don't even bother reading them. It's not worth your time.
Candice: yeah, I was advised not to go on social media for a few days...I just didn't think that I would receive this amount of hate
Grant: you don't deserve this, no one does
Candice: thank you...my mom told me to screw the haters so that's what imma do
Grant: that's the spirit!

He paused and thought of a plan that could cheer her up

Grant: hey, are doing anything this evening?
Candice: no, not all...why?
Grant: I was wondering if you could maybe come over? We could have dinner and go through our lines?
Candice: yeah...I would like that :)
Grant: alright, see you soon

He then texted her address and laid back on his couch. Jett and Nora, who've been resting by his feet the entire time, jumped up and joined him, nuzzling against his chest. "This is gonna be a great evening" he said to himself smiling.
Sorry to keep you all waiting, but I'm finally done with the third chapter! Hope you liked this and feel free to leave requests :)

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