|~★Save Them★~|

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Vote for the [Choice] you choose, read that first and find out what ending you got! Also, please be honest -_-

And Thank you for everything! Check out the other ending you could get if you choose that Choice.

[Sacrifice] [Save Ink]
[♥Save Everyone♥] [LIZZIE]


•- [Y/n]'s Perspective -•

It's a beautiful day outside...

Birds are singing their little tunes, Flowers are blooming by the fields, The sun starting to set creating a vibe in hall to make it seem magical. Too bad today wasn't so magical as it seem...

Everything around me seem to skid to a stop. Time went by so slow, it seems to be taunting me or helping me. I don't know. If there was another way I can end this fight, any other way other than someone dying I would take it by the heart... But Lizzie wasn't going to buy it.

Instead she wanted to end this the most gruesome and sad way. Someone has to die for others to live.

And all their lives depends on me...

I can't choose. If I did... I may seem selfish and cruel in any way perspective you give it.

I'll hurt somebody... One way or another.

Lizzie's face was paler than snow. Her amputated arm was holding on with just a cloth around it stopping it from bleeding more. Her cheeks has blood smudges on them and wounds too. Her back has many scissors stabbed behind her. Her stomach has a stabbed wound. And her eyes stabbed through showing veins and weird liquids dripping down. And yet she was still holding on with a string.

Her HP gradually decreases and she doesn't seem to care. Her only hand left has a gun pointed towards Ink.

The skeleton I loved after all these years. It's a miracle to say the least. Challenges we faced we got through it together. He accepted who I am as a half breed. He considers me as a masterpiece but for me s sometimes see myself as a mistake. He's the only one I could ever hope for to live happily.

His panicked and worry face pointed towards me. How much that gaze can break me up to a million pieces. I want him to be happy like what he did to me.

How I wish I could go back and cherish those moments. Sadly that's never been a choice for me to choose.

I held my hoodie tightly, tears pricked in the corner of my eyes. I saw a glint of sadness in my brother's eyes.

Error. He is an overprotective brother to me. I couldn't blame him. He was born with no Papyrus or friends like any other AU. I know he was jealous. He just wouldn't admit it.

He hates and scared of contact but just let's me hug him for longer periods of time for as long as I liked even though how uncomfortable it was for him.

But he ignored it and let me be happy. I loved him with the buttom of my heart. He can be sadistic to me at times. He kinda wants to see me suffer but he apologies by the next hour.

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