It's Raining, It's Pouring

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And again, another story about death. (*hint*, look at the last 2 lines)

Long before they could channel their boredom into violent video games, children of the mid-twentieth century used to amuse themselves on rainy days by imagining the deaths of the elderly and putting their fantasy to a jaunty tune.

It's raining, it's pouring,
The old man's snoring.
He got into bed
And bumped his head
And couldn't get up in the morning.

He couldn't get up because he was dead, not extra tired from bumping his head in the night. Dead.

I mean seriously...

Rain is fun!

You can splash in it!!!!!


Somebody decided to mix it with death....ok IDIOT! YOU JUST RUINED A KID'S THOUGHTS! YOU HAPPY?!?!

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