Flight To My Heart. Part 1. (Chapter 9)

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You woke up to Cody rubbing your leg, ”wake up babe, and time to catch the flight.”

“Okay, okay, I’m up. Stop bugging Me.” you rubbed your head.

He smiled. ”You’re so cute when you first wake up.” Cody moved the hair out of your eyes.

‘Eh, whatever.” you said. ”Alright, alright, let’s go.” 

Cody opened the door, and helped you out. You grabbed your purse, and Cody went to the trunk to grab his luggage.

Your eyes were sensitive to light, so Cody came up behind you, and put his sunglasses on you.

“It’s like you can hear my thought,” you said, in a flirty way.

“Oh I wish I could.” Cody said, grabbing your waist and leading you inside.

He had another pair of sunglasses and he put them on so nobody recognized him. 

Luckily nobody did, partly because you were surrounded by security, but they didn’t look like security mean, but they looked like men walking in a bunch.

You realize that Cody was holding onto your hand the whole time.

“Plane’s this way,” a security man said, pointing to the left.

“You know, Cody,” you said.

“What? I love learning new things about you.” Cody smiled.

“I’ve never been on a plane before, and I’m actually scared.”

“Are you more scared of the plane or of the boat?” he laughed.

“Still the boat.” you said.

“Don’t worry, babe. Everything-“ you interrupted him.

“-Will is okay. I know. You say that a lot”. You said. Gripping on to his hand harder.

You walked onto the plane with Cody, into first class.

“Wow, Cody. You really know how to treat a girl,” you said looking around first class.

“What do you mean? Oh, first class? This is normal for me.” Cody said, leading you to a seat.

“I could imagine. Look at you.” you said, poking Cody’s belly. It was rock solid. You were almost shocked. ”So the ab rumors are true?” you said, smiling. 

“Hahaha, I get that a lot. Wait until we go swimming.” Cody said, smirking.

He put his hand on your thigh, and squeezed a little.

You put your hand on top of his, and looked out the window.

“I guess we’re leaving. Cali-bound for a week! Best spring break ever.” you leaned into Cody to kiss him, but he kind of turned away.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot we’re in public.” you looked out the window.

“Nothing’s official yet. We need to get everything straightened out first.” Cody said. He squeezed your thigh again. You giggled.

“What’s not official yet?” you asked.

Cody hesitated, ”wait until we get to my house. Then you’ll understand.” you took out you ipod and plugged in your headphones. One of Cody’s songs came on, he saw and laughed. He took a headphone of your ear and put it in his.

“So this is what I sound like, huh?”

“Don’t think I’m creepy. I was just a fan before,” you pointed to him then back you a few times, ”this.”

“I’m just playing.” he put the headphone back in your ear, and put in his own.

He still had is hand on your leg as you both fell asleep.

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