Chapter 5

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The clock struck to 5pm. I was ready, I brushed the comb through my dark hair. It was time to go over to Cole's. I walked down the stairs slowly.

"Kendall, wow you look beautiful." My Grandma compliments.

"Thank you." I reply, smiling.

"Where are you off to?" She asks.

"Oh...just to a friends."

"Well be safe okay." She gives me a light kiss on the cheek. "Have fun, love you."

"You too, grandma."

I shut the door and head out. I was steps away from his house. I stood in front of the majestic building and opened the gates that had made creaks.

I stood on the porch and lay my knuckles on the door, putting pressure into my hand. I turn around to look at the sun going down. Before I know it the door opens with a familiar face.

"Well, hello there." Cole says, smirking.

"Hi." We both make eye contact, never leaving each other's side. I clear my throat. "Well are you just gonna leave me out here or what?"

He opens the door wide, gesturing for me to enter. I walk down into the hallway, your eyes spinning. His house was more plain and simple.

He was that secretive, mysterious type. Even his house had shown it. I seemed so eager to know much more about him, but the words couldn't spit out.

"Um..." I blurt out. "So...uh...what's the history project all about then?" I stutter.

"Oh just about the Tudor times you know, research and all." He informs me, with a smile.

"Cool. Shall we get on?" I question him.

"Yeah, okay. Let's go to my room." He says, guiding me.

I walk into his room, it was that neutral type if that makes any sense. It was modern, like he never really gave two shits about it.

"You like it?" He asks me.

"Yeah, it's nice and simple." I compliment.

"Yep...that's how I like it."

Without recognition, he was staring at me...more like checking me out and smiling to himself. I soon look at him and roll my eyes with a sigh.
As several hours past I was lying on Cole's bed, staring at a boring textbook.

"Ugh." I moan.

"What's wrong?" Cole asks.

"This is so boring."

"Tell me about it."

"Please don't." I plead, he laughs at your joke.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Yeah why not." I reply. Cole had seemed like the mysterious, shy...bad boy type, but to conclude he seemed really generous.

Within several hours I had rummaged through different pages of notes to find out about Protestants and Catholics to do a whole page of differences. Throughout that time Cole was nowhere to be found. From the second floor I could smell my favourite food, pizza.

The door handle turns as Cole enters with a pizza box in his arms. "I knew it." I said, I threw all the papers on the floor...not messy but in a pile.

"Hey! We need to keep it organised." Cole demands, it's like I had broken all his valuables.

"Jesus, Stone...never knew you were organised."

"Never knew you were a lazy type."

"Oh trust me I am." I said, seeming proud of myself.

"What if I don't trust you?" He asks moving closer until there was no space in between. Our noses were touching and it seemed like they were super glued.

I gulped, I seemed heated up and nervous. Oh no was I really falling for this guy. I would think to myself yeah he's hot and that, when I normally would give an opinion like this about someone never gained feelings towards them.

"Cole?" Someone called out as the door swung opened. We both pulled off gulping still close and stuck in the position. "Well I see you made a friend." A brown, red-ish hair woman spoke. We both moved apart, and finally there was space in between. "Hi I'm Melanie, Cole's mother." She introduces herself shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Stone-"

"Oh please call me Ms Wright, or you could call me Melanie." She smiles. "But I know you, your Savannah's daughter; Kendall. You look so beautiful and so much like her."

"Thank you." I said trying hard to smile. At that moment Cole had grabbed my hand. He was the first guy who held my hand. Besides that his hand was warm and delicate. It made my heart flutter.

"Well you could join dinner if you like, maybe?" She questions me.

"Oh's okay I ordered pizza." Cole says, in a hurry.

"Okay, well make sure you don't spill and crumbs anywhere okay?" She instructs.

"Yes I know mom." He sighs with a smile.

"Have fun." She shuts the door slowly. Cole sighs and with a smile.

With the whole conversation I had forgotten we were both hand in hand. I pull off, my cheeks slightly blushing. I sat on the bed, as he opened the pizza box, we were both eating. The tension was awkward so I had broken it by offering to watch a horror movie. "How about a movie?"

"Alright, which one? Action, fantasy...please do not say romance. Because every girl I've ever been with is..."

"Horror." I interrupt him rolling my eyes. Cole stares at me his mouth wide open like he had just seen me kill him with my bare hands.

"Wow, your definitely my type." He said winking at me.

"Shut it, Stone." I roll my eyes with a little smile drawn on my face.

We both watched the movie whilst Cole was cuddled with a pillow. His expression seemed unexpected like he didn't know what was coming, but overall he seemed chill.

He looks at me for longer than a minute, "Hey..." He finally spoke. "Are you scared cause you know you can cuddle in my arms if you'd like." He smirks, licking his lips.

"No...I'm not the one who's huddled up with a pillow am I?" I bring a smirk on my face seeming please for what I said for a comeback.

"Hmm...lets see about that."

For the rest of the entire movie my eyes were drifting off to sleep, yes this wasn't even horror it seemed like the genre was mistaken and needed to be corrected with boring. I looked at Cole whom was still cuddled onto the cushion tightly.

"You alright, princess?"

"Yeah fine, why wouldn't I be?"

In the middle of the movie, well when the couple were trying to live happily ever after. Cole did that first date move, putting his arm over you. I didn't at all mind, I just layed back and chilled.

After an hour all I could see was darkness...

Hope you liked this chapter I'll probably come back to it, to maybe edit this.

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