Part 35

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Caity's POV:

I watched as I saw my boyfriend cross the courtyard, that handsome smile on his face, come walking to me and pulled me in an embrace.

"I take it Mady told you?" he asked kissing my head.

"Yeah she did".

"And well??" he continued.

"I don't know. I would love to so much, but why don't we wait till graduation. This year has already gone so quickly, it's almost second semester. Who would look after Ruby while we were at school? I know your mum does now, but she can't come down to our apartment everyday to watch her", I told him.

His face fell a tiny bit.

"Believe me I want to" I said kissing his cheek.

"Okay, we'll just have to see each other more often and spend time with our little girl" he smiled.

Our little girl. Those three words made my mouth turn upwards. Our little girl. Not as in a dog as I would of imagined it, my actual daughter.

I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

"What's gotten into you" Ryan asked me as we got on the bus after school

"SHAUN HAS!" Bailey Laughed from the back of the bus. I gave him an evil glare and turned back to Ryan.

"I've been thinking about Ruby" I smiled as he made his way to the back of the bus and watched Shaun hop on and slid in next to me.

"Hey" He smiled taking my hand

"Hiya" I laughed looking up at him

"So... Care to fill me in?" Mady sang raising an eye brow.

"Oh, um... Not moving" I half smiled

"At the end of this year though, I might be"  I smiled Looking over at Shaun, I saw his face light up


"yea" I said kissing him. When I got home I ran into the lounge room and picked up Ruby. She starting giggling and Smiling. I loved seeing Ruby smile, just like I loved seeing Shaun smiled.

"Hello hunny, how was your day" Mum called from the kitchen

"It was alright, how was Rubs?" I asked walking into the kitchen with her in my arms.

"She was good girl like normal" Dad said walking in.

"RYAN! GET DOWN HERE!" Mum screamed. I heard Ryan stomping his feet,

"What?!" He complied barging past me

"The Diviney's are coming over for dinner, I want you to do some cleaning up and make your nice to Shaun" She said

"Really? Awesome!" I remarked turning to run to my room and get changed

"Not so fast Missy" Dad said to me

"What?" I said swallowing

"No disappearing acts with Shaun okay?" He sternly said.

"Oh, right" I said giving them an evil smile.

"I mean it, and not too many PDA's" Dad said looking down at me.


"Public Display of Affection" Dad said shaking his head. I cheekily smiled and ran away to my room dropping Ruby off in her cot.

"Why does Shaun have to come here!" Ryan said as he followed me upstairs.

"Actually, it's his whole family" I grinned from ear to ear.

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